Jrk G2 21v3 USB Motor Controller with Feedback (Connectors Soldered)

Pololu item #: 3143
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant

Price break Unit price (US$)
1 51.95
5 47.79
25 43.97
100 40.45

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This compact motor controller makes closed-loop speed or position (but not both!) control of a brushed DC motor easy, with quick configuration over USB using our free software. It supports five control interfaces: USB, TTL serial, I²C, analog voltage (potentiometer), and hobby radio control (RC). This version offers a 4.5 V to 28 V operating range and can deliver continuous output currents up to 2.6 A (5 A peak) without a heat sink. This version ships with soldered header pins and terminal blocks.

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With integrated support for analog voltage or tachometer (frequency) feedback, the second-generation G2 family of Jrk motor controllers makes it easy to add closed-loop control of speed or position (but not both!) of a single brushed DC motor to a variety of projects. These versatile, general-purpose modules support five different control interfaces: USB for direct connection to a computer, TTL serial and I²C for use with a microcontroller, RC hobby servo pulses for use in an RC system, and analog voltages for use with a potentiometer or analog joystick. They also offer many settings that can be configured using our free configuration software utility for Windows, Linux, and macOS. This software simplifies initial setup of the device and allows for in-system testing and monitoring of the controller via USB (a micro-B USB cable is required to connect the Jrk G2 to a computer).

The table below lists the members of the Jrk family, including the original (green) versions, and shows the key differences among them.


Jrk G2

Jrk G2

Jrk G2

Jrk G2

Jrk G2
Recommended max
operating voltage:
28 V(1) 28 V(1) 24 V(2) 34 V(3) 24 V(2) 34 V(3)
Max nominal
battery voltage:
24 V 24 V 18 V 28 V 18 V 28 V
Max continuous current
(no additional cooling):
2.5 A* 2.6 A 19 A 13 A 27 A 21 A
USB, TTL serial,
Analog, RC control:
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I²C control: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hardware current limiting: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dimensions: 1.35″ × 1.35″ 1.0″ × 1.2″ 1.4″ × 1.2″ 1.7″ × 1.2″
Price: $59.95 $49.95 $99.95 $99.95 $159.95 $149.95
1 Transient operation (< 500 ms) up to 40 V.
2 30 V absolute max.
3 40 V absolute max.
* Reduced from “3 A” based on newer, more stringent tests. The value now is directly comparable to the rating for the newer G2 21v3.

Pololu Jrk G2 18v19 USB Motor Controller with Feedback controlling an industrial-duty linear actuator with an RC receiver.

Pololu Jrk G2 18v27 USB Motor Controller with Feedback controlling a high-power motor from USB.

Main features of the Jrk G2 family

  • Easy open-loop or closed-loop control of one brushed DC motor
  • A variety of control interfaces:
    • USB for direct connection to a computer
    • TTL serial operating at 5 V for use with a microcontroller
    • I²C for use with a microcontroller
    • RC hobby servo pulses for use in an RC system
    • Analog voltage for use with a potentiometer or analog joystick
  • Feedback options:
    • Analog voltage (0 V to 5 V), for making a closed-loop servo system
    • Frequency, for closed-loop speed control using pulse counting (for higher-frequency feedback) or pulse timing (for lower-frequency feedback)
    • None, for open-loop speed control
    • Note: the Jrk does not support using quadrature encoders for position control
  • Ultrasonic 20 kHz PWM for quieter operation (can be configured to use 5 kHz instead)
  • Simple configuration and calibration over USB with free configuration software utility (for Windows, Linux, and macOS)
  • Configurable parameters include:
    • PID period and PID coefficients (feedback tuning parameters)
    • Maximum current
    • Maximum duty cycle
    • Maximum acceleration and deceleration
    • Error response
    • Input calibration (learning) for analog and RC control
  • Optional CRC error detection eliminates communication errors caused by noise or software faults
  • Reversed-power protection
  • Field-upgradeable firmware
  • Optional feedback potentiometer disconnect detection
  • Arduino library makes it easy to get started using these controllers with an Arduino or compatible board
  • Comprehensive user’s guide

Details for item #3143

The Jrk G2 21v3 operates from 4.5 V to 28 V and can deliver a continuous output current of 2.6 A (5 A peak) without a heat sink. The controller supports transient operation (< 500 ms) up to 40 V, and the maximum recommended nominal battery voltage is 24 V. This version is sold with connectors soldered, so no soldering is necessary to use it.

A version is also available with header pins and terminal blocks included but not soldered, which allows for custom installations.

Comparison to the original Jrk motor controllers

The Jrk G2 family features a number of improvements compared to our original two Jrk motor controllers (21v3 and 12v12). Most importantly, the Jrk G2 controllers support both higher operating voltages and larger output currents while being even more compact than their predecessors. Other new features include:

Comparison of the newer Jrk G2 21v3 (black PCB) with the original Jrk 21v3 (green PCB).

  • Configurable hardware current limiting on higher-power versions – the motor drivers on the Jrk G2 18v19, 18v27, 24v13, and 24v21 use current chopping to actively limit the motor current when it exceeds a software-configurable threshold (the Jrk G2 21v3 has fixed hardware current limiting and optional software current limiting)
  • More accurate speed control at low tachometer frequencies
  • I²C interface provides an additional control option
  • VIN measurement capability allows monitoring of battery or power supply
  • USB Micro-B connector (instead of Mini-B as on the original Jrk controllers)
  • Configurable deceleration limiting (the original Jrks just supported configurable acceleration limiting)
  • PID coefficients can now be adjusted on the fly over the serial, I²C, and USB interfaces

The Jrk G2 controllers are not drop-in replacements for the original Jrk controllers because of differences in their form factors and pin arrangements, although wiring changes should be straightforward. The Jrk G2 serial protocol is compatible with (and generally a superset of) the original Jrk serial protocol, so in many cases, serial interface software running on a microcontroller or computer will not need to be modified to work with a Jrk G2.

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