Brushed DC Motor Controllers

The table below shows the key features and specifications of our motor controllers. You may select a product family from the table or scroll down for more information.


Motor Controllers

Pololu G2 Simple
Motor Controllers

Pololu Jrk G2
Motor Controllers
with Feedback

Motor Controllers

MCP Advanced
Motor Controllers

Pololu Qik Dual
Serial Motor Controllers
Number of available models 20 4 5 10 4 1
Motor channels 1, 2, or 3 1 1 1 or 2 2 2
TTL serial control on some versions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Analog control (potentiometer)   Yes Yes Yes Yes  
RC control   Yes Yes Yes Yes  
USB control   Yes Yes Yes Yes  
I²C control on some versions Yes Yes   scripting only  
RS-232 and CAN control         Yes  
Speed/position feedback     Yes Yes Yes  
Minimum motor supply voltage1 1.8 V 6.5 V 5 V 6 V 10 V 6 V
Maximum motor supply voltage1 48 V 40 V 40 V 60 V 60 V 24 V
Continuous output current per channel1 20 A (30 V max)
16 A (40 V max)
2.2 A (48 V max)
1.8 A (22 V max)
25 A (30 V max)
19 A (40 V max)
27 A (30 V max)
21 A (40 V max)
300 A 120 A 12 A
Current sensing on some versions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Internal scripting         Yes  
Enclosure       Yes2 Yes  

1 Please see individual product pages for specific voltage and current ranges.
2 Please see individual product pages to see which specific controllers have enclosures.


The Motoron motor controllers make it easy to control DC motors through an I²C or UART serial interface. Modules are available with different numbers of channels (1, 2, or 3), and multiple controllers can be stacked or chained together for projects that need to control even more motors.

The Pololu Simple Motor Controllers (SMCs) make basic control of brushed DC motors easy. Our most versatile and configurable motor controllers yet span a wide range of power levels and offer four interface modes: USB, TTL serial, analog voltage, and hobby radio control (RC).

The Jrk motor controllers are highly configurable brushed DC motor controllers that can be used as an open-loop speed control or for closed-loop speed or position control. They support a variety of interface modes, including USB, TTL serial, analog voltage, and hobby radio control (RC).

The RoboClaw motor controllers from Basicmicro (formerly Ion Motion Control) can control a one or two brushed DC motors using USB serial, TTL serial, RC, or analog inputs. Integrated dual quadrature decoders make it easy to create a closed-loop speed control system, or analog feedback can be used for position control.

The powerful MCP motor controllers from Basicmicro (formerly Ion Motion Control) can control a pair of brushed DC motors using USB serial, TTL serial, RS-232 serial, CAN bus, RC, or analog inputs. They include integrated dual quadrature decoders and advanced features including internal scripting support and user-configurable I/O.

These motor controllers allow variable speed and direction control of two brushed DC motors using a simple serial interface, making it easy to add motors to your microcontroller- or computer-based project.

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