Glideforce LACT8-12V-20 Light-Duty Linear Actuator: 50kgf, 8" Stroke (7.8" Usable), 0.57"/s, 12V

Pololu item #: 2308
Brand: Concentric
RoHS 3 compliant

Price break Unit price (US$)
1 132.95
5 126.30

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This 12 V light-duty (LD) linear actuator with a 20:1 gear reduction can lift loads up to 50 kgf [110 lbs or 500 N] and can withstand static loads up to 250 kgf [550 lbs or 2500 N]. It has a maximum speed of 14.6 mm/s [0.57″/s] at no load and 12.3 mm/s [0.48″/s] at the maximum load. Limit switches at each end make the actuator easy to control over its full range of motion. The shaft holds its position when unpowered. This version has a 8-inch stroke (7.8″ usable) and no feedback potentiometer.

Alternatives available with variations in these parameter(s): nominal stroke length feedback potentiometer included? linear speed @ 12V, no load Select variant…

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Glideforce Light-Duty (LD) series of linear actuators.

Glideforce Light-Duty (LD) series of linear actuators with feedback.

Connectors that terminate the cable ends of Glideforce Light-Duty (LD) linear actuators with feedback.

Dimensions of Glideforce LD linear actuators with feedback. Units are mm.

Glideforce Light-Duty (LD) series of linear actuators without feedback.

Unterminated wire ends for Glideforce Light-Duty (LD) linear actuators without feedback.

Dimensions of Glideforce LD linear actuators without feedback. Units are mm.

Glideforce Light-Duty linear actuator (4″ stroke) with shaft fully extended.

Connecting the bracket to one end of a Concentric LD linear actuator.

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