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Video: Zumo 32U4 Robot Example Projects

Posted by David on 9 April 2015
Tags: pololu videos

We have a new video showing several projects you can do with a stock Zumo 32U4 robot. The Zumo 32U4’s motors, encoders, line sensors, proximity sensors, accelerometer, gyroscope, LCD, LEDs, and buttons make it a versatile robot that can be used in a wide variety of projects. The ATmega32U4 microcontroller on the Zumo 32U4 robot can be programmed in C++ from the Arduino IDE.

All of the projects shown in the video use unmodified, stock Zumo 32U4 robots (except for the Zumo driving on the refrigerator, which had strong magnets taped to it). However, you can open up even more possibilities by adding your own electronics to the Zumo 32U4. The FuzzBot, Pixy Pet, and this smartphone-controlled tank are some example projects by our customers that involved adding hardware to our older Zumo Robot for Arduino.

The source code for many of the projects shown in the video is available as examples in Zumo32U4 library, and we are working on adding more of them. Check it out, and get some ideas for a cool Zumo 32U4 project!

Video: Introducing the DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Kit for Raspberry Pi B+

Posted by Jeremy on 12 November 2014

We have a new video for our DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Kit for Raspberry Pi B+. The video gives an overview of some of its features and mentions a few considerations for working with it. Check it out, and get some ideas for a cool Raspberry Pi robot!

The Manufacturing of A-Star 32U4 Micro

Posted by Ryan on 17 July 2014

We recently released the A-Star 32U4 Micro, which we think is the best available AVR breakout board for its size. If you are like us, you enjoy taking factory tours, seeing how things are made on How It’s Made, and watching your Krispy Kreme doughnuts get created right before you personally eat them. Since most of you have not been able to visit us here in Las Vegas, we’ve made a video that shows how your A-Star Micro gets made!

The video shows how the A-Star Micro goes from a bare printed circuit board to an assembled and tested product. It is one of our more complex boards to make because it has components on both sides—this means two trips through the stencil printer, pick-and-place machine, reflow oven, and automated optical inspection machine. Here are some of the machines featured in the video:

  • Speedprint SP700 AVI stencil printer
  • Samsung SM421F pick and place
  • Heller 1707 MK III reflow oven
  • Nordson YESTECH BX-12 automated optical inspection

A-Star 32U4 Micro, side A.

A-Star 32U4 Micro, side B.

For those of you who like to be mesmerized by big machines moving thousands of tiny components quickly, we also have a video that shows the full pick-and-place sequence of a panel of forty A-Star Micros. (Note that this is not an accurate representation of the assembly time since the feeders are moved to the side to make room for the camera.)

For more videos like these, see our YouTube playlist: Pololu manufacturing: how our products are made and subscribe to our channel. By the way, you can still get a free A-Star Micro with your order over $100.

A Pololu Christmas Story (with LEDs!)

Posted by Emily on 11 December 2013

Merry Christmas! We got some new LED strips in a week or so ago that are based on the WS2812B. I was pretty excited to play around with them, so I decided I would decorate Ben’s house and make him film this video with me. (I know. I should have decorated my own house, but I live far from the office… and don’t have a wife.)

We should have the code we used for the LEDs available on our github page in a couple of days.

Video: Introducing the Zumo Robot for Arduino

Posted by Emily on 25 November 2013

Our Zumo Robot is a great platform for getting into robotics with your Arduino. The Zumo was designed with Mini Sumo competitions in mind, but that’s not the only thing you can do with it. This video gives an overview of the Zumo’s features and some ideas on what you can do to make it your own.

LED strips: easy to use and now more affordable

Posted by Emily on 18 October 2013

We are giving you one more reason to take your holiday decorations this year to the next level: we have lowered the prices on our LED strips!

Our 30-LED, 1 m strip has dropped from $34.95 to $24.95.

Our 60-LED, 2 m strip has dropped from $69.95 to $47.95.

Our 150-LED, 5 m strip has dropped from $149.95 to $119.95.

And if you are thinking custom lighting seems a little complicated, you will be surprised how easy it is to get these strips up and running with an Arduino. I show you how in this video where I am using the examples included in our Arduino library for addressable RGB LED strips to get started.

Video: Pololu Cables and Wires

Posted by Emily on 23 August 2013
Tags: pololu videos

Our large selection of cables, wires, and connectors makes connecting electronics easier. This video will show you some of what we offer.

New Products

CT433-HSWF50MR TMR Current Sensor Large Carrier -50A to +50A, 3.3V
12V, 500mA Step-Down Voltage Regulator D45V5F12
Pololu Ideal Diode Reverse Voltage Protector, 4-60V, 20A
ACS72981KLRATR-150B3 Current Sensor Compact Carrier -150A to +150A, 3.3V
ACS72981ELRATR-200B3 Current Sensor Large Carrier -200A to +200A, 3.3V
CT433-HSWF30DR TMR Current Sensor Compact Carrier 0A to 30A, 3.3V
RoboClaw 2x200A, 60VDC Motor Controller
CT432-HSWF50DR TMR Current Sensor Large Carrier 0A to 50A, 5V
ACS72981LLRATR-100B3 Current Sensor Large Carrier -100A to +100A, 3.3V
ACS37041KLHBLT-030B3 Current Sensor Compact Carrier -30A to +30A, 3.3V
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