Motion Control Modules » Brushed DC Motor Controllers » Pololu Jrk Motor Controllers with Feedback »
Jrk G2 21v3 USB Motor Controller with Feedback
This compact motor controller makes closed-loop speed or position (but not both!) control of a brushed DC motor easy, with quick configuration over USB using our free software. It supports five control interfaces: USB, TTL serial, I²C, analog voltage (potentiometer), and hobby radio control (RC). This version offers a 4.5 V to 28 V operating range and can deliver continuous output currents up to 2.6 A (5 A peak) without a heat sink. Male headers and terminal blocks are included but not soldered, allowing for custom installations.
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Pololu Jrk G2 Motor Controllers with Feedback.
Description | Specs (13) | Pictures (12) | Resources (16) | FAQs (1) | On the blog (2) | Distributors (41) |
Documentation and other information
Jrk G2 Motor Controller User’s Guide (Printable PDF)
User’s manual for the Pololu Jrk G2 USB Motor Controllers with Feedback.
File downloads
Jrk G2 Software and Drivers for Windows (11MB msi)
Jrk G2 Software for Linux (x86) (9MB xz)
Jrk G2 Software for Linux (Raspberry Pi) (6MB xz)
Jrk G2 Software for macOS (8MB pkg)
Dimension diagram of the Jrk G2 21v3 USB Motor Controller with Feedback (215k pdf)
Dimension diagram of the Jrk G2 18v19 and 24v13 motor controllers (220k pdf)
Dimension diagram of the Jrk G2 18v27 and 24v21 motor controllers (208k pdf)
3D model of the Jrk G2 21v3 USB Motor Controller with Feedback (11MB step)
3D model of the Jrk G2 18v19 and 24v13 motor controllers (11MB step)
3D model of the Jrk G2 18v27 and 24v21 motor controllers (11MB step)
Drill guide for the Jrk G2 21v3 USB Motor Controller with Feedback (59k dxf)
This DXF drawing shows the locations of all of the board’s holes.
Drill guide for the Jrk G2 18v19 and 24v13 motor controllers (83k dxf)
This DXF drawing shows the locations of all of the board’s holes.
Drill guide for the Jrk G2 18v27 and 24v21 motor controllers (95k dxf)
This DXF drawing shows the locations of all of the board’s holes.
Recommended links
Jrk G2 library for Arduino
This is a library for the Arduino IDE that helps interface with a Jrk G2 USB Motor Controller with Feedback using serial or I²C.
Jrk G2 software source code
This repository contains the source code of the Pololu Jrk G2 Configuration Utility (jrk2gui) and the Pololu Jrk G2 Command-line Utility (jrk2cmd). It also has drivers for Windows and build instructions.