Motion Control Modules » Brushed DC Motor Controllers » RoboClaw Motor Controllers »
RoboClaw 2x60A Motor Controller (V8)
The RoboClaw motor controllers from Basicmicro can control a pair of brushed DC motors using USB serial, TTL serial, RC, or analog inputs. Integrated dual quadrature decoders make it easy to create a closed-loop speed control system. This version can supply a continuous 60 A per channel (120 A peak) and operates up to 34 V.
Alternatives available with variations in these parameter(s): motor channels continuous output current per channel Select variant…
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Recommended links
RoboClaw motor controller user manual
User manual for the RoboClaw brushed DC motor controllers.
RoboClaw and MCP Motor Controller datasheets and other downloadable resources
Go here to find links to all of the downloadable RoboClaw and MCP resources, including datasheets for the individual controllers, drivers, source code libraries, and CAD drawings.
RoboClaw Packet Serial with the Pololu A-Star 32U4 Programmable Controllers
This Application Note covers using the Pololu A-Star 32U4 microcontroller modules to control a RoboClaw motor controller in packet serial mode. Since the A-Star is Arduino compatible, BasicMicro’s Arduino library can be used to easily write programs that control the RoboClaw.
Basicmicro application notes
These application notes from Basicmicro explain their motor controllers and some of their features and modes of operation.