Surplus SpringRC SM-S4303R Continuous Rotation Servo Pair (Two Servos)

Pololu item #: 3448
Brand: SpringRC supply outlook

Price break Unit price (US$)
1 19.95
5 17.95
25 15.95

These are surplus SM-S4303R standard-sized servos continuous rotation servos that we are able to offer at specially discounted pricing. They are functionally identical to our stock SM-S4303R servos except for the direction of rotation, which is reversed, and we are selling them in pairs to help differentiate them. This product is a two-pack of servos, so ordering one unit will get you two servos.

Key specs at 6 V: 54 RPM (no-load), 71 oz-in (5.1 kg-cm), 41 g, CW rotation for pulse widths above the rest point.

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These are surplus SM-S4303R standard-sized servos continuous rotation servos that we are able to offer at specially discounted pricing. They are functionally identical to our stock SM-S4303R servos except for the direction of rotation, which is reversed, and we are selling them in pairs to help differentiate them. We got them through a one-time purchase of surplus new inventory, and we do not expect to restock them once they are sold out. This product is a two-pack of servos, so ordering one unit will get you two servos.

These servos have been built by SpringRC specifically for continuous rotation. At 6 V, they have a maximum rotation speed of 54 RPM (no-load) and can each produce up to 71 oz-in (5.1 kg-cm) of torque. They each feature two ball bearings on the output shaft for reduced friction, and they offer easy access to their rest-point adjustment potentiometers. They can be controlled using a direct connection to a single microcontroller I/O line without any additional electronics, which makes them great actuators for beginner robotics projects.

The SM-S4303R continuous rotation servo converts standard RC servo position pulses into continuous rotation speed. The default rest point is 1.5 ms, but this can be adjusted by using a small screwdriver to turn the middle-point positioner. Pulse widths above the rest point result in clockwise rotation, with speed increasing as the pulse width increases; pulse widths below the rest point result in counterclockwise rotation, with speed increasing as the pulse width decreases. Note: This behavior is different from our item #1248 SpringRC SM-S4303R servos, which turn in the opposite direction (otherwise, they are functionally identical).

The servo has an 11″ (270 mm) lead that is terminated with a JR-style connector and includes additional servo horns and mounting hardware. The following picture shows an example of the hardware that might be included (actual hardware could vary):

This robotics servo is compatible with our servo controllers and has a Futaba-compatible output shaft, which means it works with our servo wheels for standard servos (25T, 5.8 mm spline). This servo is also compatible with our Mounting Bracket for Standard-Size Servos:

If you are looking for a similar servo that is capable of limited-range position control as opposed to continuous rotation speed control, consider the FEETECH FS5106B servo or Power HD standard servo 6001HB, which have comparable size, weight, speed, and torque.

Note: The spline on this servo is slightly bigger than on our other continuous rotation servos, so some servo horns and wheels might have a tight fit. If you find it difficult to push a compatible servo horn or wheel on by hand, please try the installation method shown in the video below. Similarly, the servo’s mounting tabs are a tight fit with our mounting bracket, so you might consider filing them or the mounting bracket down a little if you want to use them together.

Note that, as with most hobby servos, stalling or back-driving this servo can damage it.

Note: This servo is SpringRC part number SM-S4303R-CW.

Continuous rotation servo comparison

Continuous rotation servo size comparison. From left to right: SpringRC SM-S4303R, Power HD AR-3606HB, FEETECH FS5106R, Parallax Feedback 360°, Parallax (Futaba S148), and FEETECH FS90R.

6 V 4.8 V Weight (g) Size (mm) Direction
vs pulse
(1ms → 2ms)
Digital? Feed­back? Price
Max speed
Stall torque
Max speed
Stall torque
SpringRC SM-S4303R 54 71 43 46 41  41.3 × 20.7 × 40.2  CW→CCW $14.95
SURPLUS SpringRC SM-S4303R 2-Pack 54 71 43 46 41  41.3 × 20.7 × 40.2  CCW→CW $19.95 for a pair of servos
FEETECH FS5106R 95 83 75 67 43  40.8 × 20.1 × 38.0  CW→CCW $15.95
Parallax Feedback 360° 140 35 41  40.0 × 20.0 × 37.2  CW→CCW yes yes $27.99
FEETECH FT90R 135 21 108 18 9  22.9 × 12.1 × 26.5  CW→CCW yes $8.95
FEETECH FS90R 130 21 100 18 9  22.5 × 12.1 × 23.4  CW→CCW $5.95

People often buy this product together with:

FEETECH Continuous Rotation Servo FS5106R FEETECH Continuous Rotation Servo FS5106R
Mounting Bracket for Standard-Size Servos Mounting Bracket for Standard-Size Servos
Pololu Wheel for Standard Servo Splines (25T, 5.8mm) - 70×8mm, Black, 2-Pack Pololu Wheel for Standard Servo Splines (25T, 5.8mm) - 70×8mm, Black, 2-Pack

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