Robot Kits » Zumo Robots and Accessories » Original Zumo 32U4 Robot »
Zumo 32U4 Robot Kit (No Motors)
The Pololu Zumo 32U4 robot is a versatile tracked robot based on the Arduino-compatible ATmega32U4 MCU, and this kit contains most of the parts you need to build one—all you need to add are a pair of micro metal gearmotors and four AA batteries. It includes integrated dual motor drivers, an LCD, quadrature encoders, line sensors, side and front proximity sensors, and a full IMU. The assembled robot is less than 10 cm × 10 cm—small enough to qualify for Mini Sumo. This product is a kit; assembly (including soldering) is required.
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Bigger 3D printed buttons for the Zumo 32U4
- 6 February 2019Mount Holyoke College professor Peter Klemperer designed a custom add-on for the Zumo 32U4 to give easier access to the user pushbuttons. Peter made...
Zumo 32U4 Robot for RoboFest's RoboHit competition
- 5 June 2017We were excited to hear from the NCA Lights high school student robotics team about their recent entry in the RoboFest Michigan Championship 2017...
Sumo ring border angle detection
- 8 October 2015My robot from the last LVBots mini-sumo competition has a feature which I think is pretty interesting and sets it apart from a lot of other robots:...
Video: LVBots August 2015 mini-sumo competition
- 8 September 2015LVBots held a mini-sumo competition at Pololu on August 20. The goal of mini-sumo is to make an autonomous robot that pushes the other robot out...
New products: Assembled Zumo 32U4 robots
- 28 August 2015Customers have been requesting an assembled version of our Zumo 32U4 robot kit ever since we released it in March, so it makes me very happy to be...
Jeremy's line following robot: Zumo Slim
- 15 May 2015I recently competed in the LVbots line following robot challenge, where I took third place with the fourth fastest robot (due to lucky placement in...
Zumo 32U4 kit assembly video
- 21 April 2015A customer of ours who is a software engineer in Seattle made this detailed video showing how to assemble the new Zumo 32U4 robot kit. Thanks for...
Video: Zumo 32U4 Robot Example Projects
- 9 April 2015We have a new video showing several projects you can do with a stock Zumo 32U4 robot. The Zumo 32U4’s motors, encoders, line sensors, proximity...
New product: Zumo 32U4
- 6 March 2015I am excited to announce the release of our new Zumo 32U4 Robot Kit, a complete Arduino-compatible robot kit based on the ATmega32U4. We have, in...
200,000 orders and new Zumo robot preview
- 3 March 2015We received order 1J200000 this morning from Ralf in Germany! However, it turns out that because of a one-time database screwup, this was not...