Motion Control Modules » Brushed DC Motor Controllers » Pololu Simple Motor Controllers »
Pololu Simple High-Power Motor Controller 18v25
The Pololu Simple High-Power Motor Controller makes basic control of brushed DC motors easy, with our free Simple Motor Control Center software enabling quick configuration over USB. The controller supports four interface modes: USB, TTL serial, analog voltage, and hobby radio control (RC). This version operates from 5.5 to 30 V and is efficient enough to deliver a continuous 25 A without a heat sink. It ships with the power capacitor and connectors included but not soldered in, allowing for custom installations.
Alternatives available with variations in these parameter(s): continuous output current per channel partial kit? Select variant…
Description | Specs (11) | Pictures (26) | Resources (9) | FAQs (1) | On the blog (0) | Distributors (1) |
Documentation and other information
Pololu Simple Motor Controller User’s Guide (Printable PDF)
User’s manual for the Pololu Simple Motor Controllers.
Pololu USB Software Development Kit
The Pololu USB SDK contains example code for making your own applications that use native USB to control the Jrk Motor Controller, Maestro Servo Controller, Simple Motor Controller, or USB AVR Programmer.
Application Note: Using AutoHotkey with Pololu USB Products (Printable PDF)
An application note about using AutoHotkey for Windows to control Pololu USB products.
File downloads
Simple Motor Controller Windows Drivers and Software (release 121204) (5MB zip)
This ZIP archive contains the installation files for the Simple Motor Control Center, the Simple Motor Controller command-line utility (SmcCmd), and the required USB drivers for Microsoft Windows.
Simple Motor Controller Linux Software (release 101119) (115k gz)
This tar/gzip archive contains the binary executable files for the Pololu Simple Motor Control Center (SmcCenter) and the Simple Motor Controller command-line utility (SmcCmd) for Linux. Use “tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz” to extract it.
Firmware version 1.04 for the Simple Motor Controllers (266k fmi)
Use this file with the Pololu Simple Motor Control Center to upgrade your Simple Motor Controller’s firmware. See the instructions in the “Upgrading Firmware” section of the user’s guide for more information.
Drill guide for Simple Motor Controller 18v7 (103k dxf)
This DXF drawing shows the locations of all of the board’s holes.
Drill guide for Simple High-Power Motor Controller 18v15 or 24v12 (116k dxf)
This DXF drawing shows the locations of all of the board’s holes.
Drill guide for Simple High-Power Motor Controller 18v25 or 24v23 (153k dxf)
This DXF drawing shows the locations of all of the board’s holes.