Solarbotics RM3 (Replacement Motor for GM2/3/8/9, Regular Motor 3)

Pololu item #: 604
Brand: Solarbotics
RoHS 3 status: supplier unspecified

This product has been discontinued.

Please consider our 6V, 130-size brushed DC motor as an alternative.

This is the standard brushed DC motor found in the GM2, GM3, GM8, and GM9 gear motors from Solarbotics. It comes with an 8-tooth pinion gear, and motor replacement is a snap! The RM3 can even be used to replace the higher-current FA-130 motors in many of the Tamiya gearboxes.

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Solarbotics RM3 (standard GM2/3/8/9) motor vs RM2 motor comparison.

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