Solarbotics Plastic Gearmotors

Products in category “Solarbotics Plastic Gearmotors”

Pololu item #: 180
Brand: Solarbotics
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This 224:1 gearmotor (gearbox with brushed DC motor) has a low-current motor and provides power and speed that is comparable to an RC servo at a fraction of the cost.

Pololu item #: 187
Brand: Solarbotics
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

The GM8 is essentially a 143:1 version of the GM2 gearmotor. If you want a bit more speed than what the GM2 will give you, this is the motor for you!

Pololu item #: 188
Brand: Solarbotics
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This 143:1 brushed DC gearmotor is the right-angle version of the GM8 and the high-speed version of the GM3.

Pololu item #: 611
Brand: Solarbotics
RoHS 3 status: supplier unspecified
Out of stock.

Need more power out of your gear motor? This is a high-power brushed DC motor that fits in the same form factor as used by the GM2/3/8/9 style gear motors.

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