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Motoron M3H550 Triple Motor Controller for Raspberry Pi (Connectors Soldered)
The Motoron M3H550 Triple Motor Controller makes it easy to control DC motors from a Raspberry Pi (Model B+ or newer) through an I²C interface. Each module can independently control up to three motors, and multiple Motoron boards can be stacked on top of the same Raspberry Pi for projects that need to control even more motors. The M3H550 supports motor supply voltages from 1.8 V to 22 V and can deliver continuous output currents up to 1.7 A per motor. This version ships with soldered stackable headers and terminal blocks.
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Documentation and other information
Pololu Motoron Motor Controller User’s Guide
User’s manual for the Pololu Motoron Motor Controllers.
File downloads
Dimension diagram of the Motoron M3H550 Triple Motor Controller for Raspberry Pi (722k pdf)
3D model of the Motoron M3H550 Triple Motor Controller for Raspberry Pi (12MB step)
Drill guide for the Motoron M3H550 Triple Motor Controller for Raspberry Pi (38k dxf)
This DXF drawing shows the locations of all of the board’s holes.