Motoron M1U256 Single Serial Motor Controller

Pololu item #: 5063
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant

Price break Unit price (US$)
1 16.95
5 15.59
25 14.35
100 13.20

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The Motoron M1U256 Single I²C Motor Controller offers a compact solution for controlling two DC motors using a UART serial interface. Multiple Motoron controllers can be connected to the same serial bus, making it easy to expand a system with additional motors. The M1U256 supports motor supply voltages from 4.5 V to 48 V and can deliver continuous output currents up to 2.2 A. This version ships with header pins included but not soldered in.

Alternatives available with variations in these parameter(s): control interface header pins soldered? Select variant…

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The Motoron M1T256 and M1U256 controllers make it easy to control a single bidirectional, brushed DC motor using an I²C or TTL serial (UART) interface, respectively. These compact (0.6″ × 0.6″) boards support motor supply voltages from 4.5 V to 48 V and can deliver continuous output currents up to 2.2 A. Multiple Motoron controllers can be configured to work on a single I²C or serial bus, allowing independent control of many motors. Unlike most of our motor drivers, the Motoron does not require any PWM outputs or timers on your microcontroller. Instead, only a single I²C or UART interface is needed regardless of how many Motorons you connect.

These Motoron controllers are available in several versions with different combinations of communication interfaces and connector options:

For dual-channel alternatives, consider the Motoron M2T256 and M2U256.

Details for item #5063

Typical wiring diagram for connecting a microcontroller to a Motoron M1U256/M1U550 Single Serial Motor Controller.

The M1U256 has a TTL serial (UART) interface, and this version ships with a 1×12 breakaway male header included but not soldered in.

Motoron M1T256/M1U256 Single Motor Controller with included headers.

Motoron M1U256 Single Serial Motor Controller, bottom view.

Features and specifications

  • One motor control channel allows for control of one bidirectional brushed DC motor per Motoron
  • Wide motor supply voltage range: 4.5 V to 48 V (absolute maximum)
    • Recommended maximum nominal battery voltage is approximately 36 V
  • Maximum output current per motor: 2.2 A continuous, 6.4 A peak for <1 second
  • Reverse-voltage protection on motor power supply (down to -40 V)
  • Logic voltage range: 3.0 V to 5.5 V
  • Control interface:
    • M1T256: I²C (up to 400 kHz)
    • M1U256: non-inverted TTL serial (up to 250 kbps)
  • Optional cyclic redundancy checking (CRC)
  • Configurable motion parameters:
    • Max acceleration/deceleration forward/reverse
    • Starting speed forward/reverse
    • Direction change delay forward/reverse
  • PWM frequency: eight options available from 1 kHz to 80 kHz
  • Command timeout feature stops the motor if the Motoron stops receiving commands
  • Configurable automatic error response
  • Motor power supply (VIN) voltage measurement
  • Two status LEDs
  • Motor direction indicator LEDs
  • Error output for easier detection of error conditions
  • Motoron Arduino library simplifies using the Motoron with an Arduino or compatible controller
  • Motoron Python library simplifies using the Motoron with Python or MicroPython
  • Comprehensive user’s guide
  • Compact 0.6″ × 0.6″ size

A Raspberry Pi Pico on a breadboard using a Motoron M1T256/M1U256 Motor Controller to control a motor.

The Motoron family

The tables below list the members of the Motoron family and show the key differences among them. Each type is available in several versions to provide different options for the through-hole connectors: they can be purchased as an assembled product with connectors soldered in, as a kit with connectors included but not soldered in, or (for Arduino and Raspberry Pi expansions) as a standalone board without connectors.

Motoron motor controllers
micro versions








Control interface: I²C or UART serial
Motor channels: 1 (single) 2 (dual) 1 (single) 2 (dual)
Minimum motor
supply voltage:
1.8 V 4.5 V
Absolute max motor
supply voltage:
22 V 48 V
Recommended max
nominal battery voltage:
16 V 36 V
Max continuous
current per channel:
1.8 A 1.6 A 2.2 A 1.8 A
Logic voltage range: 3.0 V to 4.9 V(1) 3.0 V to 5.5 V
Current sensing/limiting:
Available versions
with I²C:
Available verions
with UART serial:
Price: $12.49$14.49 $15.95$17.95 $16.95$18.95 $23.95$25.95
1 The M1x550 and M2x550 are not recommended for use with 5V nominal logic.
Motoron motor controllers
Arduino and Raspberry Pi form factor versions












Control interface: I²C
Motor channels: 3 (triple) 2 (dual)
Minimum motor
supply voltage:
1.8 V 4.5 V 6.5 V
Absolute max motor
supply voltage:
22 V 48 V 40 V 30 V
Recommended max
nominal battery voltage:
16 V 36 V 28 V 18 V
Max continuous
current per channel:
1.7 A 2 A 14 A 16 A 18 A 20 A
Logic voltage range: M3S550
3.1 V to 5.5 V
3.0 V to 5.5 V 3.0 V to 5.5 V
3.0 V to 4.9 V(1)
Current sensing/limiting:
Available versions
for Arduino:
M3S550 M3S256 M2S24v14 M2S24v16 M2S18v18 M2S18v20
Available versions
for Raspberry Pi:
M3H550 M3H256 M2H24v14 M2H24v16 M2H18v18 M2H18v20
Price: $20.95$30.95 $34.95$44.95 $59.95$69.95 $79.95$89.95 $59.95$69.95 $95.95$104.95
1 The M3H550 is not recommended for use with 5V nominal logic.

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