Pololu Metal DC Gearmotors » 37D Metal Gearmotors » 24V 37D Metal Gearmotors »
70:1 Metal Gearmotor 37Dx54L mm 24V (Helical Pinion)
This gearmotor is a powerful brushed DC motor with 70:1 metal gearbox intended for operation at 24 V. The gearbox is composed mainly of spur gears, but it features helical gears for the first stage for reduced noise and improved efficiency. These units have a 16 mm-long, 6 mm-diameter D-shaped output shaft. This gearmotor is also available with an integrated encoder.
Key specifications:
voltage | no-load performance | stall extrapolation |
24 V | 140 RPM, 100 mA | 31 kg⋅cm (430 oz⋅in), 3 A |
Alternatives available with variations in these parameter(s): gear ratio motor type encoders? Select variant…
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File downloads
Datasheet for Pololu 37D Metal Gearmotors (2MB pdf)
Dimension diagrams of the Pololu 37D mm Metal Gearmotors (459k pdf)
3D models of 37D mm gearmotors (7MB zip)
This file contains 3D models (in the step file format) of the 37D mm gearmotors with and without encoders.
Recommended links
MATLAB script to plot motor performance curves for Pololu brushed DC gearmotors
This MATLAB script, written by Ali Asgher Mansoor Habiby, plots speed, power, current draw, and efficiency as they vary with torque when you input the gearmotor specifications. It also prints the resistance of the motor, and the current draw and torque at which maximum efficiency and maximum power occur.