Pololu Metal DC Gearmotors » 20D Metal Gearmotors » 12V Carbon Brush (CB) 20D Gearmotors »
250:1 Metal Gearmotor 20Dx46L mm 12V CB with Extended Motor Shaft
These small brushed DC gearmotors can deliver a lot of power for their size. This version has a 12V brushed DC motor with long-life carbon brushes combined with a 250:1 metal spur gearbox. The gearmotor is cylindrical with a diameter of 20 mm, and the D-shaped output shaft is 4 mm in diameter and extends 18 mm from the face plate of the gearbox. This version also has a 6 × 2 mm extended motor shaft.
Key specifications:
voltage | no-load performance | stall extrapolation |
12 V | 55 RPM, 80 mA | 14 kg⋅cm (190 oz⋅in), 1.6 A |
Note: the gearbox torque limit is 70 oz-in (5 kg-cm); see detailed description for important product limitations.
Alternatives available with variations in these parameter(s): gear ratio motor type extended motor shaft? Select variant…
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File downloads
Datasheet for Pololu 20D Metal Gearmotors (1MB pdf)
Dimension diagram for the Pololu 20D mm metal gearmotors (99k pdf)
3D models of 20D mm gearmotors (3MB zip)
This file contains 3D models (in the step file format) of the 20D mm gearmotors. Note: these models only accurately represent our newer versions with 18mm-long output shafts; they are not accurate representations of the older versions with shorter output shafts (i.e. gear ratios 29:1, 56:1, 73:1, and 154:1).