Motion Control Modules » Stepper Motor Drivers » TB67S2x9FTG Stepper Motor Driver Carriers »
TB67S249FTG Stepper Motor Driver Compact Carrier (Header Pins Soldered)
This version of our TB67S249FTG Stepper Motor Driver Compact Carrier ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. The TB67S249FTG has a wide operating voltage range of 10 V to 47 V, and our carrier board can deliver approximately 1.6 A per phase continuously without a heat sink or forced air flow (up to 4.5 A peak). Please see the TB67S249FTG Stepper Motor Driver Compact Carrier product page for more information about the driver.
Alternatives available with variations in these parameter(s): continuous current per phase header pins soldered? Select variant…
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16-pin Stepper Motor Drivers.
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File downloads
TB67S249FTG datasheet (533k pdf)
TB67S279FTG datasheet (536k pdf)
TB67S279FTG and TB67S249FTG application note (1MB pdf)
Schematic diagram of the TB67S279FTG/TB67S249FTG Stepper Motor Driver Compact Carrier (141k pdf)
Dimension diagram of the TB67S2x9FTG Stepper Motor Driver Compact Carrier (179k pdf)
3D model of the TB67S2x9FTG Stepper Motor Driver Compact Carrier (6MB step)
Drill guide for the TB67S2x9FTG Stepper Motor Driver Compact Carrier (41k dxf)
This DXF drawing shows the locations of all of the board’s holes.
Recommended links
Video: setting the current limit on Pololu stepper motor driver carriers
TB67S249FTG documentation
Toshiba’s product page for the TB67S249FTG stepping motor driver IC, with links to its most up-to-date datasheet in several languages, application notes, and other resources.
TB67S279FTG documentation
Toshiba’s product page for the TB67S279FTG stepping motor driver IC, with links to its most up-to-date datasheet in several languages, application notes, and other resources.
Video: Active Gain Control (AGC) technology
Video: Advanced Dynamic Mixed Decay (ADMD) technology
Video: Advanced Current Detection System (ACDS) technology