16-pin Stepper Motor Drivers

All the stepper motor drivers in this category are the same compact (0.6″×0.8″), pin-compatible form factor. The following two tables, organized by increasing operating voltage, compare our selection of these:




Black Ed.

Pot. CC

Digital CC


Blue Ed.

Driver chip: STMicro
Allegro A4988 MPS MP6500 Allegro A5984 STMicro
Min operating voltage: 1.8 V 2.5 V 8 V 4.5 V 8 V 7 V
Max operating voltage: 10 V 10.8 V 35 V 35 V 40 V 45 V
Max continuous current per phase:(1) 1.1 A 1.5 A 1 A 1.2 A 1.5 A 1 A 1.2 A 0.9 A
Peak current per phase:(2) 1.3 A 2 A 2 A 2.5 A 2 A 2 A 1.5 A
Microstepping down to: 1/256 1/32 1/16 1/8 1/32 1/256
Board layer count: 4 4 2 4 4 2 4 4
Special features: low input
low input
digital current
versions also available
with fixed current limits
Available with headers soldered?: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
1-piece price: $7.95 $7.95 $4.49 $4.95 $6.95 $6.95 $3.75 $3.97 $14.95
1 On Pololu carrier board, at room temperature, and without additional cooling.
2 Maximum theoretical current based on components on the board (additional cooling required).







Pot. Max.

2A Max.
Driver chip: Toshiba
TI DRV8434 TI DRV8434A TI DRV8434S
Min operating voltage: 8.2 V 8.2 V 10 V 10 V 4.5 V 4.5 V 4.5 V
Max operating voltage: 44 V 45 V 47 V 47 V 48 V(3) 48 V(3) 48 V(3)
Max continuous current per phase:(1) 1.5 A 1.5 A 1.1 A 1.6 A 1.2 A 1.2 A 1.2 A
Peak current per phase:(2) 2.2 A 2.2 A 2 A 4.5 A 2 A 2 A 2 A
Microstepping down to: 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/256 1/256 1/256
Board layer count: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Special features: Auto Gain Control,
Auto Gain Control,
6 decay modes
with 2 smart
tune options
Stall detect,
smart tune ripple
control decay
SPI control, stall detect,
8 decay mode options
Available with headers soldered?: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
1-piece price: $6.95 $12.95 $10.75 $12.95 $9.95 $12.95 $12.95 $12.95
1 On Pololu carrier board, at room temperature, and without additional cooling.
2 Maximum theoretical current based on components on the board (additional cooling required).
3 Not recommended for use with 48V batteries, which can be well above nominal when fully charged.

Products in category “16-pin Stepper Motor Drivers”

Pololu item #: 5340
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This is a carrier board for Allegro’s A5984 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver. It offers eight different microstep resolutions (down to 1/32-step) and has over-current and over-temperature protection, and it features an adaptive decay algorithm that automatically optimizes the motor current waveform. This version has an adjustable current limit that can be set with an on-board potentiometer and a four-layer PCB for better thermal performance, allowing it to deliver up to approximately 1.2 A continuous per phase without a heat sink or forced air flow (2 A peak).

Pololu item #: 5341
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version is item #5340 with soldered header pins, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. It has an adjustable current limit that can be set with an on-board potentiometer and a four-layer PCB for better thermal performance, allowing it to deliver up to approximately 1.2 A continuous per phase without a heat sink or forced air flow (2 A peak).

Pololu item #: 5342
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This is a carrier board for Allegro’s A5984 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver. It offers eight different microstep resolutions (down to 1/32-step) and has over-current and over-temperature protection, and it features an adaptive decay algorithm that automatically optimizes the motor current waveform. This version has an adjustable current limit that can be set with an on-board potentiometer and can deliver up to approximately 1 A continuous per phase without a heat sink or forced air flow (2 A peak).

Pololu item #: 5343
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version is item #5342 with soldered header pins, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. It has an adjustable current limit that can be set with an on-board potentiometer and can deliver up to approximately 1 A continuous per phase without a heat sink or forced air flow (2 A peak).

Pololu item #: 5344
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This is a carrier board for Allegro’s A5984 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver. It offers eight different microstep resolutions (down to 1/32-step) and has over-current and over-temperature protection, and it features an adaptive decay algorithm that automatically optimizes the motor current waveform. This version has a fixed current limit of 1.5 A when VDD is 5 V or 1 A when VDD is 3.3 V and a four-layer PCB for better thermal performance.

NOTE: Additional cooling is required for operation at currents above 1.2 A per phase; this version is primarily intended for those who want 1 A per phase in 3.3V systems.

Pololu item #: 5345
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version is item #5344 with soldered header pins, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. It has a fixed current limit of 1.5 A when VDD is 5 V or 1 A when VDD is 3.3 V and a four-layer PCB for better thermal performance.

NOTE: Additional cooling is required for operation at currents above 1.2 A per phase; this version is primarily intended for those who want 1 A per phase in 3.3V systems.

Pololu item #: 5346
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This is a carrier board for Allegro’s A5984 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver. It offers eight different microstep resolutions (down to 1/32-step) and has over-current and over-temperature protection, and it features an adaptive decay algorithm that automatically optimizes the motor current waveform. This version has a fixed current limit of 1 A when VDD is 5 V or 660 mA when VDD is 3.3 V and a four-layer PCB for better thermal performance.

Pololu item #: 5347
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version is item #5346 with soldered header pins, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. It has a fixed current limit of 1 A when VDD is 5 V or 660 mA when VDD is 3.3 V and a four-layer PCB for better thermal performance.

Pololu item #: 5348
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This is a carrier board for Allegro’s A5984 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver. It offers eight different microstep resolutions (down to 1/32-step) and has over-current and over-temperature protection, and it features an adaptive decay algorithm that automatically optimizes the motor current waveform. This version has a fixed current limit of 750 mA when VDD is 5 V or 500 mA when VDD is 3.3 V.

Pololu item #: 5349
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version is item #5348 with soldered header pins, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. It has a fixed current limit of 750 mA when VDD is 5 V or 500 mA when VDD is 3.3 V.

Pololu item #: 5350
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This is a carrier board for Allegro’s A5984 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver. It offers eight different microstep resolutions (down to 1/32-step) and has over-current and over-temperature protection, and it features an adaptive decay algorithm that automatically optimizes the motor current waveform. This version has a fixed current limit of 500 mA when VDD is 5 V or 330 mA when VDD is 3.3 V.

Pololu item #: 5351
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version is item #5350 with soldered header pins, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. It has a fixed current limit of 500 mA when VDD is 5 V or 330 mA when VDD is 3.3 V.

Pololu item #: 1182
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This breakout board for Allegro’s A4988 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver features adjustable current limiting, over-current and over-temperature protection, and five different microstep resolutions (down to 1/16-step). It operates from 8 V to 35 V and can deliver up to approximately 1 A per phase without a heat sink or forced air flow (it is rated for 2 A per coil with sufficient additional cooling). This board ships with 0.1″ male header pins included but not soldered in.

Pololu item #: 2980
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version of our A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. Please see the A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier product page for more information about the driver.

Pololu item #: 2975
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This is a bulk-packaged version of our A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier that ships without header pins. Please see that product’s page for more information about the driver. This version requires a minimum order quantity of five units and is intended for customers interested in higher volumes at lower unit costs. We will manufacture these to order and generally expect orders of up to a few hundred units to ship within a few days.

Pololu item #: 2985
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This is a bulk-packaged version of our A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier that ships with male header pins installed. Please see that product’s page for more information about the driver. This version requires a minimum order quantity of five units and is intended for customers interested in higher volumes at lower unit costs. We will manufacture these to order and generally expect orders of up to a few hundred units to ship within a few days.

Pololu item #: 2128
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

Our Black Edition A4988 stepper motor driver carrier is a higher-performance drop-in replacement for the original A4988 stepper motor driver carrier. It features a four-layer PCB for better thermal performance, allowing the A4988 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver to deliver approximately 20% more current than our two-layer (green) version. Like our original carrier, the Black Edition offers adjustable current limiting, over-current and over-temperature protection, and five different microstep resolutions. It operates from 8 V to 35 V and can deliver up to 2 A per coil with sufficient additional cooling. This board ships with 0.1″ male header pins included but not soldered in.

Pololu item #: 2981
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version of our Black Edition A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. Please see the Black Edition A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier product page for more information about the driver.

Pololu item #: 2976
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This is a bulk-packaged version of our Black Edition A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier that ships without header pins. Please see that product’s page for more information about the driver. This version requires a minimum order quantity of five units and is intended for customers interested in higher volumes at lower unit costs. We will manufacture these to order and generally expect orders of up to a few hundred units to ship within a few days.

Pololu item #: 2986
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This is a bulk-packaged version of our Black Edition A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier that ships with male header pins installed. Please see that product’s page for more information about the driver. This version requires a minimum order quantity of five units and is intended for customers interested in higher volumes at lower unit costs. We will manufacture these to order and generally expect orders of up to a few hundred units to ship within a few days.

Pololu item #: 3762
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This breakout board for TI’s DRV8434 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver offers microstepping down to 1/256-step and operates from 4.5 V to 48 V. It can deliver up to approximately 1.2 A continuous per phase without a heat sink or forced air flow (2 A peak). The driver has inputs for setting the decay mode and includes two smart tune current regulation modes that help you achieve smooth steps without manual tuning. The module has a pinout and interface that are very similar to that of our popular A4988 carriers, so it can be used as a drop-in replacement for those boards in many applications. It features built-in protection against under-voltage, over-current, and over-temperature conditions.

Pololu item #: 3763
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version of our DRV8434 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. Please see the DRV8434 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier product page for more information about the driver.

Pololu item #: 3764
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This breakout board for TI’s DRV8434A microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver offers microstepping down to 1/256-step and operates from 4.5 V to 48 V. It can deliver up to approximately 1.2 A continuous per phase without a heat sink or forced air flow (2 A peak). The driver has integrated stall detection and uses a ripple control algorithm that allows tight regulation of current level and increased motor efficiency. The module has a pinout and interface that are very similar to that of our popular A4988 carriers, so it can be used as a drop-in replacement for those boards in many applications. It features built-in protection against under-voltage, over-current, and over-temperature conditions.

Pololu item #: 3765
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version of our DRV8434A Stepper Motor Driver Carrier ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. Please see the DRV8434A Stepper Motor Driver Carrier product page for more information about the driver.

Pololu item #: 3766
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This breakout board for TI’s DRV8434S microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver operates from 4.5 V to 48 V and can deliver up to approximately 1.2 A continuous per phase without a heat sink or forced air flow (2 A peak). The SPI interface allows configuration of the current limit, step mode (11 step modes from full-step through 1/256-step), decay mode, and stall detection. The driver also features built-in protection against under-voltage, over-current, and over-temperature conditions. This version of the board uses an on-board potentiometer for setting the maximum current limit, and SPI can be used to set the actual current limit to intermediate values in increments of the set maximum/16.

Pololu item #: 3767
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version of our DRV8434S SPI Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, Potentiometer for Max. Current Limit ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. Please see the DRV8434S SPI Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, Potentiometer for Max. Current Limit product page for more information about the driver.

Pololu item #: 3768
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This breakout board for TI’s DRV8434S microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver operates from 4.5 V to 48 V and can deliver up to approximately 1.2 A continuous per phase without a heat sink or forced air flow (2 A peak). The SPI interface allows configuration of the current limit, step mode (11 step modes from full-step through 1/256-step), decay mode, and stall detection. The driver also features built-in protection against under-voltage, over-current, and over-temperature conditions. This version of has the maximum current limit set to a fixed 2A, and SPI can be used to set the actual current limit to any of 16 evenly spaced values from 125 mA up to 2 A (i.e. in increments of 125 mA).

Pololu item #: 3769
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version of our DRV8434S SPI Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, 2A Max. Current Limit ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. Please see the DRV8434S SPI Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, 2A Max. Current Limit product page for more information about the driver.

Pololu item #: 3098
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This breakout board for Toshiba’s TB67S279FTG microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver is arranged in the popular 16-pin Pololu form factor, making it a more compact alternative to our full breakout. It features adjustable current limiting and seven microstep resolutions (down to 1/32-step). Additionally, it dynamically selects an optimal decay mode by monitoring the actual motor current, and it can automatically reduce the driving current below the full amount when the motor is lightly loaded to minimize power and heat. The TB67S279FTG has a wide operating voltage range of 10 V to 47 V, and our carrier board can deliver approximately 1.1 A per phase continuously without a heat sink or forced air flow (up to 2 A peak). It features built-in protection against under-voltage, over-current, and over-temperature conditions.

Pololu item #: 3099
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version of our TB67S279FTG Stepper Motor Driver Compact Carrier ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. The TB67S279FTG has a wide operating voltage range of 10 V to 47 V, and our carrier board can deliver approximately 1.1 A per phase continuously without a heat sink or forced air flow (up to 2 A peak). Please see the TB67S279FTG Stepper Motor Driver Compact Carrier product page for more information about the driver.

Pololu item #: 3096
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This breakout board for Toshiba’s TB67S249FTG microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver is arranged in the popular 16-pin Pololu form factor, making it a more compact alternative to our full breakout. It features adjustable current limiting and seven microstep resolutions (down to 1/32-step). Additionally, it dynamically selects an optimal decay mode by monitoring the actual motor current, and it can automatically reduce the driving current below the full amount when the motor is lightly loaded to minimize power and heat. The TB67S249FTG has a wide operating voltage range of 10 V to 47 V, and our carrier board can deliver approximately 1.6 A per phase continuously without a heat sink or forced air flow (up to 4.5 A peak). It features built-in protection against under-voltage, over-current, and over-temperature conditions.

Pololu item #: 3097
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version of our TB67S249FTG Stepper Motor Driver Compact Carrier ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. The TB67S249FTG has a wide operating voltage range of 10 V to 47 V, and our carrier board can deliver approximately 1.6 A per phase continuously without a heat sink or forced air flow (up to 4.5 A peak). Please see the TB67S249FTG Stepper Motor Driver Compact Carrier product page for more information about the driver.

Pololu item #: 2878
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This breakout board for STMicro’s STSPIN820 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver offers microstepping down to 1/256-step and a wide operating range of 7 V to 45 V. It can deliver up to approximately 0.9 A per phase continuously without a heat sink or forced air flow (up to 1.5 A peak). The module has a pinout and interface that are very similar to that of our popular A4988 carriers, so it can be used as a drop-in replacement for those boards in many applications.

Pololu item #: 2879
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version of our STSPIN820 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. Please see the STSPIN820 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier product page for more information about the driver.

Pololu item #: 2876
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This breakout board for STMicro’s STSPIN220 low-voltage microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver offers microstepping down to 1/256-step and operates from 1.8 V to 10 V, allowing stepper motors to be powered with voltages that are too low for other drivers. It can deliver up to approximately 1.1 A per phase continuously without a heat sink or forced air flow (up to 1.3 A peak). The module has a pinout and interface that are very similar to that of our popular A4988 carriers, so it can be used as a drop-in replacement for those boards in many applications.

Pololu item #: 2877
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version of our STSPIN220 Low-Voltage Stepper Motor Driver Carrier ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. Please see the STSPIN220 Low-Voltage Stepper Motor Driver Carrier product page for more information about the driver.

Pololu item #: 2966
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This breakout board for the MPS MP6500 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver has a pinout and interface that are very similar to that of our popular A4988 carriers, so it can be used as a drop-in replacement for those boards in many applications. The MP6500 offers up to 1/8-step microstepping, operates from 4.5 V to 35 V, and can deliver up to approximately 1.5 A per phase continuously without a heat sink or forced air flow (up to 2.5 A peak). This version of the board uses an on-board trimmer potentiometer for setting the current limit, and the board ships with 0.1″ male header pins included but not soldered in.

Pololu item #: 2967
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version of our MP6500 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier with Potentiometer Current Control ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. Please see the MP6500 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, Potentiometer Current Control product page for more information about the driver.

Pololu item #: 2968
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This breakout board for the MPS MP6500 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver has a pinout and interface that are very similar to that of our popular A4988 carriers, so it can be used as a drop-in replacement for those boards in many applications. The MP6500 offers up to 1/8-step microstepping, operates from 4.5 V to 35 V, and can deliver up to approximately 1.5 A per phase continuously without a heat sink or forced air flow. This version of the board allows for dynamic current limit control through a pair of digital inputs, and the board ships with 0.1″ male header pins included but not soldered in.

Pololu item #: 2969
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version of our MP6500 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier with Digital Current Control ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. Please see the MP6500 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, Digital Current Control product page for more information about the driver.

Pololu item #: 2133
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This breakout board for TI’s DRV8825 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver features adjustable current limiting, over-current and over-temperature protection, and six microstep resolutions (down to 1/32-step). It operates from 8.2 V to 45 V and can deliver up to approximately 1.5 A per phase without a heat sink or forced air flow (rated for up to 2.2 A per coil with sufficient additional cooling). The driver has a pinout and interface that are nearly identical to those of our A4988 stepper motor driver carriers, so it can be used as a higher-performance drop-in replacement for those boards in many applications. This board ships with 0.1″ male header pins included but not soldered in.

Pololu item #: 2982
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version of our DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. Please see the DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier product page for more information about the driver.

Pololu item #: 2977
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This is a bulk-packaged version of our DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier that ships without header pins. Please see that product’s page for more information about the driver. This version requires a minimum order quantity of five units and is intended for customers interested in higher volumes at lower unit costs. We will manufacture these to order and generally expect orders of up to a few hundred units to ship within a few days.

Pololu item #: 2987
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This is a bulk-packaged version of our DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier that ships with male header pins installed. Please see that product’s page for more information about the driver. This version requires a minimum order quantity of five units and is intended for customers interested in higher volumes at lower unit costs. We will manufacture these to order and generally expect orders of up to a few hundred units to ship within a few days.

Pololu item #: 2134
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This is a breakout board for TI’s DRV8834 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver. It has a pinout and interface that are nearly identical to those of our A4988 carriers, so it can be used as a drop-in replacement for those boards in many applications. The DRV8834 operates from 2.5–10.8 V, allowing stepper motors to be powered with voltages that are too low for other drivers, and can deliver up to approximately 1.5 A per phase continuously without a heat sink or forced air flow (up to 2 A peak). It features adjustable current limiting, overcurrent and overtemperature protection, and six microstep resolutions (down to 1/32-step). This board ships with 0.1″ male header pins included but not soldered in.

Pololu item #: 2874
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version of our DRV8834 Low-Voltage Stepper Motor Driver Carrier ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. Please see the DRV8834 Low-Voltage Stepper Motor Driver Carrier product page for more information about the driver.

Pololu item #: 2988
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This breakout board for Toshiba’s TB67S581FNG microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver features adjustable current limiting, over-current and over-temperature protection, and six microstep resolutions (down to 1/32-step). It operates from 8.2 V to 44 V and can deliver up to approximately 1.5 A per phase without a heat sink or forced air flow (rated for up to 2.2 A per coil with sufficient additional cooling). The driver has a pinout and interface that are nearly identical to our other 16-pin stepper motor drivers, so it can be used as an alternative to those boards in many applications.

Pololu item #: 2989
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This version of our TB67S581FNG Stepper Motor Driver Carrier ships with male header pins installed, so no soldering is required to use it with an appropriate 16-pin socket or solderless breadboard. See the TB67S581FNG Stepper Motor Driver Carrier product page for more information about the driver.

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