Development Boards (Programmable Controllers) » Raspberry Pi » Raspberry Pi Expansion Boards »
Dual TB9051FTG Motor Driver for Raspberry Pi (Assembled)
This add-on board enables a Raspberry Pi B+, Pi A+, Pi 2 or Pi 3 to drive a pair of brushed DC motors. Its dual TB9051FTG motor drivers operate from 4.5 V to 28 V and can deliver a continuous 2.6 A (5 A peak) per motor. The default pin mappings make it easy to get started using our provided software, but the board also exposes most of the driver chips’ I/O pins for more specialized applications. This version ships fully assembled with connectors soldered in.
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New Product: Dual TB9051FTG Motor Driver for Raspberry Pi
- 17 July 2018I am excited to share the second Pololu product for which I routed the PCB, the Dual TB9051FTG Motor Driver for Raspberry Pi. This board...