1.75" x 0.125" GM6,7 Wheel Pair Red

Pololu item #: 190

This product has been discontinued.

These 1.75" acrylic wheels are made for the Solarbotics GM6 and GM7 gearbox output shafts. The wheels are sold in pairs and come with black O-rings for tires.

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These wheels are designed to work with the Pololu 120:1 mini plastic gearmotors (offset output and 90-degree output) and the Solarbotics GM6 and GM7 gearmotors. They come in two sizes with diameters of 1.75" or 2", including the tire. The wheels are first laser-cut from 1/8" acrylic and then machined to have a groove for a 3/32" O-ring tire. The wheels securely press-fit onto the splined shafts of the GM6 and GM7 motors.

These wheels are packaged in sets of two plastic wheels and two O-rings. Both wheels are engraved with the Pololu part number on one side; they should be mounted with the engraved side facing the gearbox (the axle hole is slightly larger on that side, making press-fitting easier).

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