Pololu High-Power Motor Driver 18v25 CS

Pololu item #: 1455
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Rationed (Active) 
RoHS 3 compliant

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1 99.95

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This discrete MOSFET H-bridge motor driver enables bidirectional control of one high-power DC brushed motor. The compact 1.8×1.2-inch board supports a wide 5.5 to 30 V voltage range and is efficient enough to deliver a continuous 25 A without a heat sink. This version outputs an analog voltage proportional to the motor current, and an extra control input allows for coasting in addition to the driving and braking offered by the other Pololu high-power motor drivers.

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Size: 1.8" x 1.2"
Weight: 7 g1

General specifications

Motor channels: 1
Minimum operating voltage: 5.5 V
Maximum operating voltage: 30 V
Continuous output current per channel: 25 A2
Current sense: 0.066 V/A3
Maximum PWM frequency: 40 kHz4
Maximum logic voltage: 5.5 V
MOSFET on-resistance (max per leg): 3.1 mΩ
Reverse voltage protection?: N


Without any connectors or through-hole capacitors.
Typical results with 100% duty cycle at room temperature.
Bidirectional centered at 2.5 V with VCS of 5 V.
Higher frequencies are possible, but duty cycle will be limited by dead time of approximately 3 μs per cycle.

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