Motion Control Modules » Brushed DC Motor Controllers » Pololu Simple Motor Controllers »
High-Power Simple Motor Controller G2 18v15 (Connectors Soldered)
This powerful motor controller makes basic control of a brushed DC motor easy, with quick configuration over USB using our free software. It supports five control interfaces: USB, TTL serial, I²C, analog voltage (potentiometer), and hobby radio control (RC). This version offers a wide 6.5 V to 30 V operating range and can deliver continuous output currents up to 15 A without a heat sink. This version ships with soldered header pins and terminal blocks.
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Pololu G2 Simple Motor Controllers.
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- How often is the analog input sampled? How quickly is the motor updated?
The analog input readings on the Simple Motor Controller are updated approximately every 2.3 ms (435 Hz) if the “Ignore pot disconnect” option is selected. If that option is not selected, which is the default, the readings are updated half as frequently.
If no acceleration or deceleration limits are used, the outputs of the motor controller will be updated very quickly (within a few hundred microseconds) after the analog reading is complete. If those limits are enabled, the motor might take up to a millisecond to be updated after the analog reading is complete.