RP5 Tracked Chassis Yellow

Pololu item #: 1059

This product has been discontinued.

This durable tracked chassis is a complete robot base for your tank-like robot. With a battery holder, two DC motors, and two independent geared drive trains included, this chassis is just a robot controller and some sensors away from a complete robot. This chassis is yellow.

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RP5 tracked chassis top view.

RP5 tracked chassis side view.

RP5 tracked chassis front view.

Six AA battery holder for RP5 tracked chassis.

Yellow RP5 tracked chassis with expansion plate and Orangutan SV-328.

Pololu RP5/Rover 5 wide expansion plate with a TReX Jr. and an RC receiver.

Two RP5/Rover 5 expansion plates with an Orangutan SV-328 and an Arduino Duemilanove.

A narrow RP5/Rover 5 expansion plate with an Orangutan SV-328 and a Sharp digital distance sensor.

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