High-Torque Servo with Metal Gears (Generic)

Pololu item #: 1054

This product has been discontinued.

This standard-size generic servo can deliver quite a bit of torque using a geartrain comprised entirely of metal gears. Servo horns and associated hardware are included.

Key specs at 6 V: 0.16 sec/60°, 140 oz-in (10.2 kg-cm), 56 g (2.0 oz).

Clearance: This product is on clearance and will be discontinued when stock runs out. We recommend the Power HD High-Torque Servo 1501MG as a replacement.

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Hardware for the high-torque servo with metal gears.

Opened high-torque servo showing its metal gears.

Dimensions of the high-torque servo with metal gears (generic).

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