Pololu High-Power Motor Driver 24v12

Pololu item #: 757
Brand: Pololu
Status: Special Order Only 
RoHS 3 compliant

This product has been discontinued.

This product has been replaced by a second-generation version that is a near drop-in replacement that is better in almost every way. This older design is now only available by large-volume special order; please contact us for more information

This discrete MOSFET H-bridge motor driver enables bidirectional control of one high-power DC brushed motor. The little 1.3×0.8-inch board supports a wide 5.5 to 40 V voltage range and is efficient enough to deliver a continuous 12 A without a heat sink.

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Some discrete MOSFET based H-bridges are unable to handle a continuously high PWM signal (100% duty cycle). This has to do with bootstrap capacitors not having enough time to charge. Does this bridge allow 100% duty cycle PWM input?
Yes. The design has an extra charge pump that allows the high-side MOSFETs to stay on indefinitely for 100% duty cycle operation.

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