30:1 Micro Metal Gearmotor LP 6V with 12 CPR Encoder, Back Connector

Pololu item #: 5106
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant

Price break Unit price (US$)
1 25.95
5 23.87
25 21.96
100 20.21

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This is a miniature brushed DC metal gearmotor with a gearbox cross section of 10×12 mm and a 9 mm long, 3 mm diameter D-shaped gearbox output shaft. Cables sold separately.

motor/brush type gearbox encoder
LP 6V: low-power 6V with precious metal brushes 29.86:1 with brass plates 12 CPR incremental quadrature with back connector

voltage no-load performance stall extrapolation*
6 V 450 RPM, 40 mA 0.29 kg⋅cm (4.0 oz⋅in), 0.36 A
* Note: Stall torque and stall current specifications are theoretical values; stalls could damage the motor or gearbox.

Alternatives available with variations in these parameter(s): gear ratio motor type encoder Select variant…

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Micro Metal Gearmotor with 12 CPR encoder, back connector.

Micro Metal Gearmotor with 12 CPR encoder, side connector.

Micro Metal Gearmotor with 12 CPR encoder, back connector (cable not included).

Micro Metal Gearmotor with 12 CPR encoder, side connector (cable not included).

Micro Metal Gearmotor with 12 CPR encoder, back connector.

Micro Metal Gearmotor with 12 CPR encoder, side connector.

Micro Metal Gearmotor with 12 CPR encoder.

Micro Metal Gearmotor with 12 CPR encoder, back connector.

Micro Metal Gearmotor with 12 CPR encoder, side connector.

Micro Metal Gearmotor with 12 CPR encoder, back connector.

Micro Metal Gearmotor with 12 CPR encoder, side connector.

Rear view of Micro Metal Gearmotor with 12 CPR encoder, back connector.

Rear view of Micro Metal Gearmotor with 12 CPR encoder, side connector.

Pin 1 (M1) on the Micro Metal Gearmotors with encoders.

Encoder A and B outputs of a magnetic encoder on a high-power (HP) 6V Micro Metal Gearmotor running at 6 V.

Schematic diagram of the integrated Micro Metal Gearmotor encoder.

Micro Metal Gearmotor next to a US quarter dollar for size reference.

Micro Metal Gearmotor size comparison of 1000:1 (bottom) vs other gear ratios (top).

Micro Metal Gearmotor (standard version without encoder or extended motor shaft).

Micro Metal Gearmotor with extended motor shaft.

Micro Metal Gearmotor HPCB long-life carbon brushes (left) next to Micro Metal Gearmotor HP precious metal brushes (right).

Pololu Wheel 32×7mm on a Micro Metal Gearmotor.

12mm Hex Wheel Adapter for 3mm Shaft on a Micro Metal Gearmotor.

Micro Metal Gearmotor mounted to a piece of acrylic with black mounting bracket version.

Micro Metal Gearmotor mounted to a piece of acrylic with black mounting bracket version.

37D mm Metal Gearmotor next to a Micro Metal Gearmotor for size comparison.

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