MyoWare Muscle Sensor
The MyoWare Muscle Sensor from Advancer Technologies measures, filters, rectifies, and amplifies the electrical activity of a muscle and produces an analog output signal that can easily be read by a microcontroller, enabling novel, muscle-controlled interfaces for your projects. Note: This product requires electrodes; these are not included, but they are available separately in packs of six.
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Bionic hand
- 23 March 2017Customer Elise Pham made a bionic hand: a two-fingered gripper triggered with biofeedback. A Pololu Maestro servo controller monitors the trigger...
Video: MyoWare Muscle Sensor demonstration with Maestro servo controller
- 6 November 2015I got your torque right here ;) Now that we are carrying Advancer Technologies’ MyoWare Muscle Sensor, it is time to update our demonstration...
New product: MyoWare muscle sensor and electrodes
- 30 October 2015We are pumped to announce that we are now carrying Advancer Technologies’ MyoWare Muscle Sensor! This sensor features a number of improvements over...