Mechanical Components » Stepper Motors »
Sanyo Pancake Stepper Motor with Encoder: Bipolar, 200 Steps/Rev, 42×24.5mm, 3.5V, 1 A/Phase, 4000 CPR
This NEMA 17-size pancake bipolar stepping motor from Sanyo features an integrated high-resolution (1000 P/R) quadrature encoder that allows for 4000 counts per revolution of the output shaft when counting both edges of both channels. The stepper motor itself has a 1.8° step angle (200 steps/revolution) and each phase draws 1 A at 3.5 V, allowing for a holding torque of 0.85 kg-cm (12 oz-in).
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Sanyo Pancake Stepper Motor with Encoder: Bipolar, 200 Steps/Rev, 42×24.5mm, 3.5V, 1 A/Phase, 4000 CPR (SS2421-50XE100). |
Bottom view of the 42×24.5mm Sanyo pancake stepper motor with encoder. |
Side view of the SS2421-50XE100 42×24.5mm Sanyo pancake stepper motor. |
Side view of the 42×24.5mm Sanyo pancake stepper motor with included encoder cable plugged in. |
15 cm (6″) encoder cable included with the Sanyo pancake stepper motors with encoders. |
The included encoder cable is terminated on one end by a JST GHR-08V-S connector that matches the encoder connector on the stepper motor (the other end is unterminated). |
Bipolar stepper motor wires are terminated with bare leads. |
Sanyo bipolar stepper motor wiring diagram. |
Dimensions (in mm) of the SS2421-50XE100 42×24.5mm Sanyo pancake stepper motor with encoder. |
Specifications for the quadrature encoder integrated into the Sanyo SS242x-50XE100 stepper motors with encoders. |
5mm Pololu universal aluminum mounting hub on a stepper motor with a 5mm-diameter output shaft. |