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Pololu 3.3V Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulator S7V8F3
The S7V8F3 switching step-up/step-down regulator efficiently produces a fixed 3.3 V output from input voltages between 2.7 V and 11.8 V. Its ability to convert both higher and lower input voltages makes it useful for applications where the power supply voltage can vary greatly, as with batteries that start above but discharge below the regulated voltage. The compact (0.45″ × 0.65″) module has a typical efficiency of over 90% and can deliver 500 mA to 1 A across most of the input voltage range.
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File downloads
Pololu Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulator S7V8x schematic diagram (192k pdf)
Printable schematic diagram for the S7V8x family of Pololu step-up/step-down voltage regulators: S7V8A, S7V8F3, and S7V8F5.
Dimension diagram of the S7V8x Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulator (211k pdf)
3D model of the Pololu Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulator S7V8Fx (3MB step)
Pololu Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulator S7V8x drill guide (22k dxf)
This DXF drawing shows the locations of all of the board’s holes.