RN-41 Bluetooth Module Carrier (firmware version 4.77)

Pololu item #: 1613

This product has been discontinued.

This product has been replaced by the RN-41 Bluetooth Module Carrier. This product has firmware version 4.77, and the replacement has version 6.15.

This simple DIP breakout board from SparkFun for the Roving Networks RN-41 Bluetooth module lets you add a Bluetooth interface to a device that has a 3.3V serial port. Two 0.1" headers spaced 0.8" apart makes it easy to use with standard solderless breadboards and 0.1" perfboards. All pertinent pins are broken out and labeled. The RN-41 Bluetooth module on this carrier has firmware version 4.77.

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RN-41 Bluetooth module carrier, top view with rulers.

RN-41 Bluetooth module carrier, bottom view.

RN-41 Bluetooth module carrier, top view.

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