Pololu RP5/Rover 5 Expansion Plate RRC07A (Narrow) Solid Black

Pololu item #: 1531
Brand: Pololu
Status: Active 
RoHS 3 compliant

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1 6.95
10 6.25

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This expansion plate for the Rover 5 tracked chassis is made of 1/8" (3mm) acrylic. The numerous 3 mm wide slots give you the flexibility to mount components in a variety of orientations almost anywhere on the plate.

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Dagu Rover 5 chassis with Orangutan SVP robot controller and additional electronics mounted to an RP5/Rover 5 expansion plate (narrow).

A narrow RP5/Rover 5 expansion plate with an Orangutan SV-328 and a Sharp digital distance sensor.

Two RP5/Rover 5 expansion plates with an Orangutan SV-328 and an Arduino Duemilanove.

Pololu RP5/Rover 5 wide expansion plate with a TReX Jr. and an RC receiver.

Yellow RP5 tracked chassis with expansion plate and Orangutan SV-328.

Pololu RP5/Rover 5 Expansion Plate (narrow version) serving as a general-purpose mounting plate.

Screws for mounting the RP5/Rover 5 expansion plate to the RP5 or Rover 5 chassis.

Opaque black acrylic #2025.

Opaque white acrylic #3015.

Translucent blue acrylic #2051.

Translucent dark-blue acrylic (#2114 or similar).

Translucent red acrylic (#2283 or similar).

Transparent gray acrylic (#2064, #2074, or similar).

Transparent light-blue acrylic #2069.

Transparent clear acrylic.

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