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Zumo Reflectance Sensor Array
This reflectance sensor module is designed for use with the Zumo shield for Arduino. It has six IR LED/phototransistor pairs that can be used for line following or edge detection; each sensor provides an independent, digital I/O-measurable output. The array draws approximately 40 mA when the emitters are on, and an optional input allows the emitters to be turned off for additional sensing or power-saving options.
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Documentation and other information
Pololu Zumo Shield for Arduino User’s Guide (Printable PDF)
User’s manual for the Pololu Zumo Shield for Arduino.
File downloads
Zumo reflectance sensor array schematic diagram (211k pdf)
Printable schematic diagram for the Pololu Zumo reflectance sensor array.
Dimension diagram of the Zumo Reflectance Sensor Array (121k pdf)
3D model of the Zumo Reflectance Sensor Array (5MB step)