CP2104 USB-to-Serial Adapter Carrier

Pololu item #: 1308
Brand: Pololu
Status: Obsolete 
RoHS 3 compliant

This product has been discontinued.

Please consider the newer CP2102N USB-to-Serial Adapter Carrier as an alternative. It can be used as a drop-in replacement in most applications.

This USB-to-serial adapter lets you easily connect a TTL serial device to a PC by acting as a virtual serial port. The board is a Micro-USB carrier for the Silicon Labs CP2104 USB-to-UART bridge that provides access to all of its control signal pins and GPIO pins.

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CP2104 USB-to-serial adapter carrier.

CP2104 USB-to-serial adapter carrier with included optional header pins.

CP2104 USB-to-serial adapter carrier, labeled pinout.

CP2104 USB-to-serial adapter carrier with included 6-pin 0.1″ right-angle female header installed.

CP2104 USB-to-serial adapter carrier in a breadboard with included 0.1″ male headers installed.

CP2104 USB-to-serial adapter carrier, bottom view with dimensions.

CP2104 USB-to-serial adapter carrier, top view.

VIO=VDD SMT jumper on the bottom of the CP2104 USB-to-serial adapter carrier.

Schematic diagram for the CP2104 USB-to-serial adapter carrier.

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