120:1 Plastic Gearmotor, 90° Output

Pololu item #: 1121
Brand: PCX
Status: Special Order Only 
RoHS 3 compliant

This product has been discontinued.

This 120:1 gearbox with brushed DC motor has a low-current motor and provides power and speed that is comparable to an RC servo at a fraction of the cost. It has a recommended operating voltage range of 3 V to 12 V.

Key specifications:

voltage no-load performance stall extrapolation
6 V 85 RPM, 70 mA 5.4 kg⋅cm (75 oz⋅in), 800 mA
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Plastic gearmotor with 90 degree output.

Plastic gearmotor with 90 degree output.

Side view of the plastic gearmotor with 90 degree output.

Top view of the plastic gearmotor with 90 degree output.

Inside the gearbox of the 200:1 plastic gearmotor with 90 degree output.

Dimensions of the 120:1 and 200:1 plastic gearmotors with 90-degree outputs. Units are mm over [inches].

Plastic gearmotor with 90-degree output (item #1120 or #1121) mounted with Pololu stamped aluminum L-bracket.

Plastic gearmotor with 90-degree output (item #1120 or #1121) mounted with Pololu extended stamped aluminum L-bracket.

Plastic gearmotor with 90-degree output (item #1120 or #1121) mounted with Pololu extended stamped aluminum L-bracket.

Plastic gearmotor with 90-degree output (item #1120 or #1121) mounted with Pololu extended stamped aluminum L-bracket.

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