Sub-Micro Servo 3.7g

Pololu item #: 1053
Brand: Generic
RoHS 3 compliant

This product has been discontinued.

Please consider the FEETECH Sub-Micro Servo FS0307 as an alternative.

This generic sub-micro servo is one of the lightest servos we carry, weighing just 3.7 g (0.13 oz) without the lead. It is intended for use between 4.8 and 6 V (i.e. with 4- or 5-cell NiMH or NiCD battery packs). Servo horns and associated hardware are included.

Key specs at 6 V: 0.07 sec/60°, 6 oz-in (0.4 kg-cm), 3.7 g (0.13 oz).

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