Pololu Simple Motor Controller G2 User’s Guide

Side-by-side comparison of the different G2 Simple Motor Controllers.

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1. Overview
1.1. 18v15 and 24v12 included hardware
1.2. 18v25 and 24v19 included hardware
1.3. Supported operating systems
1.4. Comparison to the original Simple Motor Controllers
2. Contacting Pololu
3. Getting started
3.1. Installing Windows drivers and software
3.2. Understanding the control center Status tab
3.3. Errors
3.5. LED feedback
4. Connecting your motor controller
4.1. Connecting power and a motor
4.2. Serial/I²C interface pins
4.3. Connecting a serial device
4.4. Connecting an I²C device
4.5. Connecting an RC receiver
4.6. Connecting a potentiometer or analog joystick
5. Configuring your motor controller
5.1. Input settings
5.1.1. Configuring a limit or kill switch
5.2. Motor settings
5.3. Advanced settings
5.4. Upgrading firmware
6. Using the serial and I²C interfaces
6.1. Serial and I²C settings
6.2. Binary commands
6.2.1. Binary command reference
6.3. ASCII commands
6.3.1. ASCII command reference
6.4. Controller variables
6.5. Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) error detection
6.6. Serial daisy chaining
7. Writing PC software to control the Simple Motor Controller G2
8. Example code
8.1. Example code to run smcg2cmd in C
8.2. Example code to run smcg2cmd in Python
8.3. Example native USB code in C#, Visual C++, and VB .NET
8.4. Example serial code for Arduino
8.5. Example serial code for Orangutan
8.6. Example serial code for Linux and macOS in C
8.7. Example serial code for Windows in C
8.8. Example serial code in Python
8.9. Example serial code for Linux or macOS in Bash
8.10. Example I²C code for Arduino
8.11. Example I²C code for Linux in C
8.12. Example I²C code for Linux in Python
8.13. Example CRC computation in C

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