4. Using as a General-Purpose Motor Driver

4.a. Assembly for Use as a General-Purpose Motor Driver
4.b. Board Connections

MC33926 motor driver control lines and output signals are available via the set of pins along the left side of the board, which means this shield can be used as a general-purpose motor driver controlled by devices other than Arduinos. This section explains how to use the dual MC33926 motor driver shield this way and provides some basic information about the motor driver pins to help get you started. However, we strongly encourage you to consult the MC33926 datasheet (1MB pdf) for detailed pin descriptions, truth tables, and electrical characteristics. This shield is essentially a breakout board for two MC33926 motor driver ICs with additional logic circuitry to simplify the motor control, so the datasheet is your best resource for answering questions not covered by this user’s guide.

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