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Pololu distributor: BerryBase GmbH (Germany)
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Contact information
BerryBase GmbH
Am Studio 20D
Berlin 12489
Tel: 030 / 629 386 710
Distributor website
Purchased products
This distributor has ordered 79 different Pololu products over the last year; see the distributor website for availability. Here is the list of purchased products:
#114 Tamiya 70168 Double Gearbox Kit
#118 Tamiya 70167 Single Gearbox (4-Speed) Kit
#713 TB6612FNG Dual Motor Driver Carrier
#940 Tamiya 71114 Mechanical Blowfish - Tail Fin Swimming Action
#952 Pololu Ball Caster with 1/2″ Plastic Ball
#953 Pololu Ball Caster with 1/2″ Metal Ball
#994 298:1 Micro Metal Gearmotor HP 6V
#1117 Brushed DC Motor: 130-Size, 6V, 11.5kRPM, 800mA Stall
#1134 Pololu Carrier with Sharp/Socle GP2Y0D810Z0F Digital Distance Sensor 10cm
#1248 SpringRC SM-S4303R Continuous Rotation Servo
#1418 Zumo Chassis Kit (No Motors)
#1429 Pololu Wheel 70×8mm Pair - White
#1430 Pololu Wheel 80×10mm Pair - Black
#1595 1000:1 Micro Metal Gearmotor HP 6V
#1637 Shaftless Vibration Motor 8x3.4mm
#2128 A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, Black Edition
#2130 DRV8833 Dual Motor Driver Carrier
#2135 DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Carrier
#2136 DRV8801 Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier
#2214 100:1 Micro Metal Gearmotor HP 6V with Extended Motor Shaft
#2215 75:1 Micro Metal Gearmotor HP 6V with Extended Motor Shaft
#2265 Vibration Motor 11.6×4.6×4.8mm
#2331 5.1:1 Sub-Micro Plastic Planetary Gearmotor 6Dx14L mm
#2411 3-Pin Female JST ZH-Style Cable (30cm) for Sharp/Socle GP2Y0A51 Distance Sensors
#2450 Sharp/Socle GP2Y0A51SK0F Analog Distance Sensor 2-15cm
#2490 VL53L0X Time-of-Flight Distance Sensor Carrier with Voltage Regulator, 200cm Max
#2762 Dual TB9051FTG Motor Driver for Raspberry Pi (Assembled)
#2808 Mini Pushbutton Power Switch with Reverse Voltage Protection, LV
#2809 Mini Pushbutton Power Switch with Reverse Voltage Protection, SV
#2810 Mini MOSFET Slide Switch with Reverse Voltage Protection, LV
#2811 Mini MOSFET Slide Switch with Reverse Voltage Protection, SV
#2812 Big Pushbutton Power Switch with Reverse Voltage Protection, MP
#2814 Big MOSFET Slide Switch with Reverse Voltage Protection, MP
#2815 Big MOSFET Slide Switch with Reverse Voltage Protection, HP
#2831 Pololu 5V, 1A Step-Down Voltage Regulator D24V10F5
#2842 Pololu 3.3V, 500mA Step-Down Voltage Regulator D24V5F3
#2961 MAX14870 Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier
#2990 DRV8838 Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier
#3072 30:1 Micro Metal Gearmotor HPCB 6V with Extended Motor Shaft
#3073 50:1 Micro Metal Gearmotor HPCB 6V with Extended Motor Shaft
#3172 Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2.1
#3415 VL53L1X Time-of-Flight Distance Sensor Carrier with Voltage Regulator, 400cm Max
#3416 VL53L3CX Time-of-Flight Multi-Target Distance Sensor Carrier with Voltage Regulator, 500cm Max
#3456 156:1 Metal Gearmotor 20Dx44L mm 6V
#3540 Romi Battery Contact Set
#3762 DRV8434 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier
#3763 DRV8434 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier (Header Pins Soldered)
#3766 DRV8434S SPI Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, Potentiometer for Max. Current Limit
#3767 DRV8434S SPI Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, Potentiometer for Max. Current Limit (Header Pins Soldered)
#3768 DRV8434S SPI Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, 2A Max. Current Limit
#3769 DRV8434S SPI Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, 2A Max. Current Limit (Header Pins Soldered)
#4012 5V Step-Up Voltage Regulator U3V40F5
#4016 12V Step-Up Voltage Regulator U3V40F12
#4035 DRV8874 Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier
#4039 DRV8256P Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier
#4082 5V, 3A Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulator S13V30F5
#4083 5V, 1A Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulator S13V10F5
#4085 5V, 2A Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulator S13V20F5
#4091 5V, 5.5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator D36V50F5
#4745 100:1 Metal Gearmotor 37Dx57L mm 12V (Helical Pinion)
#4755 100:1 Metal Gearmotor 37Dx73L mm 12V with 64 CPR Encoder (Helical Pinion)
#4761 Magnetic Encoder Pair Kit with Side-Entry Connector for Micro Metal Gearmotors, 12 CPR, 2.7-18V
#4798 380:1 Micro Metal Gearmotor HPCB 12V
#4799 380:1 Micro Metal Gearmotor HPCB 12V with Extended Motor Shaft
#4847 99:1 Metal Gearmotor 25Dx69L mm HP 12V with 48 CPR Encoder
#4941 5V Step-Up Voltage Regulator U3V16F5
#4944 9V Step-Up Voltage Regulator U3V16F9
#4945 12V Step-Up Voltage Regulator U3V16F12
#4946 15V Step-Up Voltage Regulator U3V16F15
#5012 Zumo 2040 Robot (Assembled with 75:1 HP Motors)
#5034 Motoron M3H256 Triple Motor Controller Kit for Raspberry Pi
#5052 Motoron M2H24v14 Dual High-Power Motor Controller Kit for Raspberry Pi
#5072 Motoron M3H550 Triple Motor Controller Kit for Raspberry Pi
#5076 Motoron M1U550 Single Serial Motor Controller (Header Pins Soldered)
#5077 Motoron M1U550 Single Serial Motor Controller
#5078 Motoron M2T550 Dual I²C Motor Controller (Header Pins Soldered)
#5079 Motoron M2T550 Dual I²C Motor Controller
#5080 Motoron M2U550 Dual Serial Motor Controller (Header Pins Soldered)
#5081 Motoron M2U550 Dual Serial Motor Controller