Motors and Gearboxes


This wide selection of brushed DC metal gearmotors lets you choose the optimal torque and speed for your particular application. These motors are available in a variety of sizes and gear ratios.

Linear actuators convert the rotation of a DC or stepper motor into linear motion, allowing you to push or pull objects. Versions with feedback or integrated stepper motors allow for precise position control.

Stepper motors allow for precise position control without the need for a feedback system and are capable of continuous rotation, unlike standard hobby servos.

With integrated motor-control circuitry and position feedback, servos are an easy way to add controlled motion to your robotics or electronics project. Whatever your application, we probably have a servo for it!

A variety of low-current brushed DC motors with plastic gearboxes that offer power and speed comparable to a continuous-rotation RC servo at a fraction of the price.

Tamiya manufactures a wide variety of inexpensive brushed DC motors and gearboxes that are great for hobbyists and students. Many of the gearmotors are kits that can help you understand how gearboxes work and allow for user-configurable gear ratios.

These small DC motors have offset masses that vibrate when they rotate, providing tactile feedback.

Products in category “Motors and Gearboxes”

Pololu item #: 1117
Brand: Generic
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

This 130-size brushed DC motor has a recommended operation voltage of 3 – 12 V and is used in the larger Pololu plastic gearmotors. Approximate specifications at 6 V: free-run speed of 11,500 RPM, free-run current of 70 mA, and stall current of 800 mA.

Pololu item #: 611
Brand: Solarbotics
RoHS 3 status: supplier unspecified
Out of stock.

Need more power out of your gear motor? This is a high-power brushed DC motor that fits in the same form factor as used by the GM2/3/8/9 style gear motors.

Pololu item #: 1688
Brand: Tamiya
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.

The Tamiya 75026 Mini Motor Set is a more powerful brushed DC motor for the Tamiya Mini Motor Gearboxes.

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