S18V20x Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulators

This family of step-up/step-down regulators take an input voltage from 3 V to 30 V and increase or decrease it as necessary to produce the desired output voltage. They allow a typical output current of up to 2 A when the input voltage is close to the output voltage and offer typical efficiencies of 80% to 90%. Their ability to convert both higher and lower input voltages makes them useful for applications where the power supply voltage can vary greatly, as with batteries that start above but discharge below the regulated voltage. Without the typical restriction on the battery voltage staying above the required voltage throughout its life, new battery packs and form factors can be considered.

The regulators include built-in reverse-voltage protection, over-current protection, thermal shutdown, and an under-voltage lockout that keeps the modules from behaving erratically when the input voltage gets too low. The S18V20x family includes versions with fixed 5 V, 6 V, 9 V, 12 V, or 24 V outputs and versions with adjustable 4 V to 12 V or 9 V to 30 V outputs:

Regulator Output voltage Typical max output current* Input voltage range Size Special features Price
#2574: S18V20F5 5 V 2 A 3 V – 30 V 0.825″ × 1.7″ Reverse-voltage protection,
over-current protection,
thermal shutdown,
under-voltage lockout
#2575: S18V20F6 6 V $22.49
#2576: S18V20F9 9 V $22.49
#2577: S18V20F12 12 V $22.49
#2582: S18V20F24 24 V $25.49
#2572: S18V20ALV 4 V – 12 V $23.95
#2573: S18V20AHV 9 V – 30 V $26.95
*For input voltages close to the output. Actual achievable maximum continuous current is a function of input and output voltage and is limited by thermal dissipation. See the output current graphs on the product pages for more information.

Products in category “S18V20x Step-Up/Step-Down Voltage Regulators”

Pololu item #: 2574
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.
Output voltage Typical max output current* Input voltage range Size
5 V 2 A 3 V – 30 V 0.825″ × 1.7″

*For input voltages close to the output. Actual achievable maximum continuous current is a function of input voltage and is limited by thermal dissipation. See the output current graphs on the product page for more information.

Pololu item #: 2575
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.
Output voltage Typical max output current* Input voltage range Size
6 V 2 A 3 V – 30 V 0.825″ × 1.7″

*For input voltages close to the output. Actual achievable maximum continuous current is a function of input voltage and is limited by thermal dissipation. See the output current graphs on the product page for more information.

Pololu item #: 2576
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.
Output voltage Typical max output current* Input voltage range Size
9 V 2 A 3 V – 30 V 0.825″ × 1.7″

*For input voltages close to the output. Actual achievable maximum continuous current is a function of input voltage and is limited by thermal dissipation. See the output current graphs on the product page for more information.

Pololu item #: 2577
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.
Output voltage Typical max output current* Input voltage range Size
12 V 2 A 3 V – 30 V 0.825″ × 1.7″

*For input voltages close to the output. Actual achievable maximum continuous current is a function of input voltage and is limited by thermal dissipation. See the output current graphs on the product page for more information.

Pololu item #: 2582
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.
Output voltage Typical max output current* Input voltage range Size
24 V 2 A 3 V – 30 V 0.825″ × 1.7″

*For input voltages close to the output. Actual achievable maximum continuous current is a function of input voltage and is limited by thermal dissipation. See the output current graphs on the product page for more information.

Pololu item #: 2572
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.
Output voltage Typical max output current* Input voltage range Size
4 V – 12 V 2 A 3 V – 30 V 0.825″ × 1.7″

*For input voltages close to the output. Actual achievable maximum continuous current is a function of input and output voltage and is limited by thermal dissipation. See the output current graphs on the product page for more information.

Pololu item #: 2573
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant
Out of stock.
Output voltage Typical max output current* Input voltage range Size
9 V – 30 V 2 A 3 V – 30 V 0.825″ × 1.7″

*For input voltages close to the output. Actual achievable maximum continuous current is a function of input and output voltage and is limited by thermal dissipation. See the output current graphs on the product page for more information.

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