New products: 1.4-7V fine-adjust D30V3xMALx step-down voltage regulators

Posted by Ben on 2 July 2024
Tags: new products

1.4-7V, 3.4A Fine-Adjust Step-Down Voltage Regulator w/ Adjustable Low-Voltage Cutoff D30V30MALCMA.

1.4-7V, 3.8A Fine-Adjust Step-Down Voltage Regulator w/ Adjustable Low-Voltage Cutoff D30V33MALCMA.

We are now offering lower-voltage versions of our D30V3x step-down voltage regulators with a precision-adjustable 1.4 V to 7 V output. As with the rest of the D30V3x line, these new regulators work with input voltages between 3.3 V and 45 V and can deliver between 1 A and 4.5 A of output current, depending on the input and output voltages. They have very low dropout voltages and feature a power-good output for identifying when the output voltage is not being maintained. They also feature an enable pin with a precise threshold for turning off the regulator, and some of the versions have additional circuitry to offer a precision-adjustable low-voltage cutoff.

Four versions are available with this new 1.4 V to 7 V output range:

  • D30V30MAL – compact (0.6″ × 1.0″), double-sided assembly with precision-adjustable output and no low-voltage cutoff.
  • D30V30MALCMA – compact (0.6″ × 1.0″), double-sided assembly precision-adjustable output and precision-adjustable low-voltage cutoff.
  • D30V33MAL – larger (0.9″ × 1.2″), single-sided assembly with precision-adjustable output and no low-voltage cutoff. The increased heat dissipation from the larger boards let this version deliver slightly more current than the D30V30MAL.
  • D30V33MALCMA – larger (0.9″ × 1.2″), single-sided assembly with precision-adjustable output and precision-adjustable low-voltage cutoff. The increased heat dissipation from the larger boards let this version deliver slightly more current than the D30V30MALCMA.

The following table shows all of the members of the D30V3x family:

Regulator Output voltage Typical max
output current1
Input voltage2 Adjustable
Size Price
#4891: D30V30F3 3.3 V 3.7 A 3.3 V – 45 V 0.7″ × 0.8″ $12.95
#4892: D30V30F5 5 V 3.4 A 5 V – 45 V $12.95
#4893: D30V30F6 6 V 3.3 A 6 V – 45 V $13.95
#4894: D30V30F7 7.5 V 3 A 7.5 V – 45 V $13.95
#4895: D30V30F9 9 V 2.9 A 9 V – 45 V $13.95
#4896: D30V30F12 12 V 2.8 A 12 V – 45 V $13.95
#4897: D30V30F15 15 V 2.7 A 15 V – 45 V $13.95
#4873: D30V30MAL 1.4 V – 7 V 3.4 A 3.3 V – 45 V 0.6″ × 1.0″ $16.95
#4872: D30V30MALCMA $19.95
#4875: D30V30MAS 4.2 V – 15 V 3 A 4.2 V – 45 V $16.95
#4874: D30V30MASCMA $19.95
#4853: D30V33MAL 1.4 V – 7 V 3.8 A 3.3 V – 45 V 0.9″ × 1.2″ $17.95
#4852: D30V33MALCMA $20.95
#4855: D30V33MAS 4.2 V – 15 V 3.3 A 4.2 V – 45 V $17.95
#4854: D30V33MASCMA $20.95
1At 30 V in. Actual achievable continuous output current is a function of input and output voltages and is limited by thermal dissipation.
2Operating voltage must be higher than the set output voltage and is subject to dropout voltage considerations.


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