Black Friday deals keep coming from Pololu and from Adafruit

Posted by Ben on 24 November 2017

Our Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale is nearing the halfway point; thank you to all of those who have already ordered! Today’s doorbusters are gone, but the rest of the daily specials are still active, and a lot more great deals are still coming your way, including the weekend deals we just released. We’re not doing any doorbusters Saturday and Sunday, just lots of extra discounts on big categories, so take your time looking around.

The weekend deals include two items we have never had on sale before: smart servos from XYZrobot and a 6DOF robot arm based on those servos. We recently released an Arduino library for the A1-16 smart servos and arm, making them especially easy to expand beyond their preconfigured sequences for use in your own advanced projects.

Our doorbusters will return starting at 6 AM on Cyber Monday, and rumor has it that might be a prime opportunity to snag one or two of our new Balboa balancing robots!

By the way, our friends at Adafruit are having their own Black Friday sale this weekend, with 15% off their entire catalog and 20% off their Feathers and accessories, plus free items for orders over certain amounts. You can find all the details on the Adafruit blog.


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