New products: 12V 25D mm gearmotors with encoders

Posted by Ben on 13 January 2016
Tags: new products

All of our 25D mm metal gearmotors, including the newest versions with 12V motors, are now available with quadrature encoders. That’s 37 new products in all! With five different motor winding options and gear ratios available from 4.4:1 through 499:1, our total selection of 25D mm metal gearmotors has grown to nearly 100 options:

Motor Type Stall
@ Rated Voltage
@ Rated Voltage
Stall Torque
@ Rated Voltage

With Encoder

Without Encoder
6 V high-power
6.5 A 10,000 RPM 5 oz-in 1:1 HP 6V w/encoder
2150 RPM 20 oz-in 4.4:1 HP 6V w/encoder 4.4:1 HP 6V
990 RPM 39 oz-in 9.7:1 HP 6V w/encoder 9.7:1 HP 6V
460 RPM 75 oz-in 20.4:1 HP 6V w/encoder 20.4:1 HP 6V
280 RPM 90 oz-in 34:1 HP 6V w/encoder 34:1 HP 6V
200 RPM 115 oz-in 47:1 HP 6V w/encoder 47:1 HP 6V
130 RPM 150 oz-in 75:1 HP 6V w/encoder 75:1 HP 6V
97 RPM 210 oz-in 99:1 HP 6V w/encoder 99:1 HP 6V
56 RPM 350 oz-in 172:1 HP 6V w/encoder 172:1 HP 6V
6 V low-power
2.4 A 6200 RPM 2 oz-in 1:1 LP 6V w/encoder
1300 RPM 8 oz-in 4.4:1 LP 6V w/encoder 4.4:1 LP 6V
590 RPM 17 oz-in 9.7:1 LP 6V w/encoder 9.7:1 LP 6V
290 RPM 33 oz-in 20.4:1 LP 6V w/encoder 20.4:1 LP 6V
170 RPM 50 oz-in 34:1 LP 6V w/encoder 34:1 LP 6V
120 RPM 65 oz-in 47:1 LP 6V w/encoder 47:1 LP 6V
78 RPM 95 oz-in 75:1 LP 6V w/encoder 75:1 LP 6V
58 RPM 130 oz-in 99:1 LP 6V w/encoder 99:1 LP 6V
34 RPM 200 oz-in 172:1 LP 6V w/encoder 172:1 LP 6V
25 RPM 220 oz-in 227:1 LP 6V w/encoder 227:1 LP 6V
15 RPM 300 oz-in 378:1 LP 6V w/encoder 378:1 LP 6V
11 RPM 400 oz-in 499:1 LP 6V w/encoder 499:1 LP 6V
12 V high-power
5.6 A 10,200 RPM 5.5 oz-in 1:1 HP 12V w/encoder
2250 RPM 23 oz-in 4.4:1 HP 12V w/encoder 4.4:1 HP 12V
1030 RPM 44 oz-in 9.7:1 HP 12V w/encoder 9.7:1 HP 12V
500 RPM 85 oz-in 20.4:1 HP 12V w/encoder 20.4:1 HP 12V
290 RPM 120 oz-in 34:1 HP 12V w/encoder 34:1 HP 12V
210 RPM 165 oz-in 47:1 HP 12V w/encoder 47:1 HP 12V
130 RPM 240 oz-in 75:1 HP 12V w/encoder 75:1 HP 12V
100 RPM 300 oz-in 99:1 HP 12V w/encoder 99:1 HP 12V
12 V medium-power
2.1 A 7800 RPM 2.7 oz-in 1:1 MP 12V w/encoder
1700 RPM 11 oz-in 4.4:1 MP 12V w/encoder 4.4:1 MP 12V
770 RPM 22 oz-in 9.7:1 MP 12V w/encoder 9.7:1 MP 12V
370 RPM 42 oz-in 20.4:1 MP 12V w/encoder 20.4:1 MP 12V
220 RPM 63 oz-in 34:1 MP 12V w/encoder 34:1 MP 12V
160 RPM 85 oz-in 47:1 MP 12V w/encoder 47:1 MP 12V
100 RPM 125 oz-in 75:1 MP 12V w/encoder 75:1 MP 12V
76 RPM 165 oz-in 99:1 MP 12V w/encoder 99:1 MP 12V
43 RPM 250 oz-in 172:1 MP 12V w/encoder 172:1 MP 12V
33 RPM 320 oz-in 227:1 MP 12V w/encoder 227:1 MP 12V
12 V low-power
1.1 A 5600 RPM 2 oz-in 1:1 LP 12V w/encoder
1200 RPM 8 oz-in 4.4:1 LP 12V w/encoder 4.4:1 LP 12V
560 RPM 15 oz-in 9.7:1 LP 12V w/encoder 9.7:1 LP 12V
260 RPM 29 oz-in 20.4:1 LP 12V w/encoder 20.4:1 LP 12V
150 RPM 43 oz-in 34:1 LP 12V w/encoder 34:1 LP 12V
110 RPM 60 oz-in 47:1 LP 12V w/encoder 47:1 LP 12V
71 RPM 85 oz-in 75:1 LP 12V w/encoder 75:1 LP 12V
55 RPM 115 oz-in 99:1 LP 12V w/encoder 99:1 LP 12V
31 RPM 180 oz-in 172:1 LP 12V w/encoder 172:1 LP 12V
23 RPM 240 oz-in 227:1 LP 12V w/encoder 227:1 LP 12V
14 RPM 320 oz-in 378:1 LP 12V w/encoder 378:1 LP 12V


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