New product: LSM303D 3D Compass and Accelerometer Carrier

Posted by Kevin on 15 November 2013
Tags: new products

As smartphones and tablets become more popular and more advanced, they drive the rapid development of progressively better and cheaper inertial sensors, and we’ve come to expect a new 3D compass/accelerometer chip from ST every year or so. We’re catching up again with their latest technology (for the time being) with the release of our LSM303D 3D compass and accelerometer carrier.

The LSM303D offers a number of improvements over its predecessors, including a wider maximum magnetic sensing range (up to ±12 gauss). It also features a more unified I²C interface and adds support for SPI communication. Our carrier board includes a 3.3 V voltage regulator and level shifters that make it easy to use with 5 V systems. For more information, see the product page.

We’ve also lowered the price on our previous generations of compass/accelerometer carriers: the LSM303DLHC carrier is now $11.95, and the LSM303DLM carrier is only $9.95.


Hi Kevin,

My Arduino's I2C Pins are already in non-I2C use, so is there a library available for the LSM303xxxx that can use one of the Software I2C libraries to access the LSM303xxxx?

I'm trying to separate out the existing library's:

dependency on Wire/twi.c, and it's tougher going than I'd like.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions.


Hi, Cliff.

The only Arduino library we have for the LSM303 is the one you linked to.

It looks like you also posted this question on our forum, which is a better place to discuss technical support matters, and another forum member responded. If you have more questions, please continue the discussion there.


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