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Katy Perry peppermint dress with Pololu parts
Halloween is just around the corner, and people are looking to make fun costumes. I recently took a couple of calls from customers who were looking to make Katy Perry-inspired costume dresses with spinning peppermints, following the instructions found on this RPF forum thread. Parts from Pololu used to make the dress included an enclosed 3-AA battery holder with a switch and a Solarbotics GM3 224:1 Gear Motor. However, we suggest substituting our 200:1 Plastic Gearmotor, which has similar performance but no back shaft that needs to be removed.
If you have a cool costume that uses our products, please feel free to share them in the “Share your projects” section of our Forum.
Featured link: http://www.therpf.com/f24/katy-perry-peppermint-dress-completed-i-think-189238/