RobustMotion RM-EGB Series 24VDC Compact Finger Gripper, 20D, Simple PNP Interface

Pololu item #: 5405
Brand: RobustMotion
RoHS 3 compliant

Price break Unit price (US$)
1 315.00

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This gripper fits small cobots such as the Dobot MG400. The simple PNP-type PLC interface can connect directly to the MG400 I/O ports, and it can be mounted using a simple 3D-printed adapter. The gripper weighs 320 g (390 g including cable), has a max stroke of 10 mm (both fingers combined), and has a maximum gripping force of 80 N.

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RobustMotion RM-EGB Series 24VDC Compact Finger Gripper, 120D, PNP + RS-485 Interface (RM-EGB-06L-20D-1-D0200-PRTU).

RobustMotion RM-EGB Series 24VDC Compact Finger Gripper, 120D, PNP + RS-485 Interface (RM-EGB-06L-20D-1-D0200-PRTU) with US quarter for size reference.

RobustMotion RM-EGB Series 20D Gripper has a maximum stroke length of 10 mm (0.4″).

The RobustMotion RM-EGB Series 20D Gripper has a 200 cm cable.

RobustMotion RM-EGB Series 20D Gripper mounted to a Dobot MG400 Robot Arm with a 3D-printed adapter.

Close-up of the RobustMotion RM-EGB Series 24VDC Compact Finger Gripper connector.

Dimensions (in mm) of the RobustMotion RM-EGB Series 20D Gripper.

3D-printable adapter for connecting RobustMotion RM-EGB Series 24VDC Compact Finger Grippers to the Dobot MG400 Robot Arm.

Pinout of the RobustMotion RM-EGB Series Compact Finger Gripper. Note: pins 9 and 10 (DSW+/-) are only used on the RS-485 interface versions.

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