QTRXL-HD-01A Reflectance Sensor: 1-Channel, 5mm Wide, Analog Output, Long Range

Pololu item #: 4601
Brand: Pololu supply outlook
Status: Active and Preferred 
RoHS 3 compliant

Price break Unit price (US$)
1 3.07
5 2.82
25 2.60

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sensors size
output max current optimal
LED board
1 5.0 × 20.0 analog 30 mA 32 mA 20 mm

This IR LED/phototransistor pair is great for precisely identifying changes in reflectance (like line detection). It operates from 2.9 V to 5.5 V and offers dimmable brightness control independent of the supply voltage. In general, the closer the object, the higher the contrast between light and dark readings, but high-reflectance objects are generally detectable out to around 80 mm. This version features a high-performance QTRXL sensor with lenses and a high-brightness emitter for extra-long range.

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