Sensors » Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensors » High-Density (HD) QTR Arrays »
QTRX-HD-01RC Reflectance Sensor: 1-Channel, 5mm Wide, RC Output, Low Current
sensors | size (mm) |
output | max current | optimal range |
LED | board | ||||
1 | 5.0 × 20.0 | RC (digital) | 3.5 mA | 5 mA | 10 mm |
This IR LED/phototransistor pair is great for precisely identifying changes in reflectance (like line detection). It operates from 2.9 V to 5.5 V and offers dimmable brightness control independent of the supply voltage. In general, the closer the object, the higher the contrast between light and dark readings, but high-reflectance objects are generally detectable out to around 30 mm. This version features a high-performance, low-current QTRX sensor with lenses.
Alternatives available with variations in these parameter(s): sensor type sensor count sensor pitch output type Select variant…
Compare all products in High-Density (HD) QTR Arrays or
Single-Channel QTR Reflectance Sensors.
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Documentation and other information
Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensor Application Note (Printable PDF)
Information about using the Pololu QTR reflectance sensors, including differences between A-type and RC-type sensors and sample oscilloscope screen captures of sensor outputs.
File downloads
Schematic diagrams of the QTR/QTRX-HD Reflectance Sensor Arrays (206k pdf)
Dimension diagrams of the QTR/QTRX Reflectance Sensor Arrays (1MB pdf)
3D models (STEP) of the QTR/QTRX Reflectance Sensor Arrays (50MB zip)
This file contains 3D models (in the step file format) of the QTR and QTRX Reflectance Sensor Arrays.
Drill guides (DXF) for the QTR/QTRX Reflectance Sensor Arrays (86k zip)
These DXF drawings show the locations of all of the holes on the QTR and QTRX Reflectance Sensor Arrays.
Recommended links
Arduino library for the Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensors
This library for Arduino makes it easy to interface with Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensors.