Robot Kits » Romi Chassis and Accessories » Romi Chassis Kits »
Romi Chassis Kit - Black
The versatile Romi chassis is a great starting point for your next mobile robot. This kit includes all the basic mechanical parts to get up and running, including two motors, two wheels, one ball caster, and battery contacts. The wheels and ball are white; all other plastic components are black.
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Documentation and other information
Pololu Romi Chassis User’s Guide (Printable PDF)
User’s manual for the Pololu Romi Chassis.
File downloads
Actual-size view of the top of the Romi Chassis (115k pdf)
Print this page at 100% scale to get an actual-size view of the top of the Romi Chassis and all of its general-purpose mounting holes and slots.
Front, top, and side view of the Romi chassis (9MB dxf)
This dxf makes it possible to get various dimension measurements of the Romi chassis and its mounting holes.
3D model of the assembled Romi Chassis Kit (20MB step)
Note: this model includes a front ball caster that is sold separately from the Romi Chassis Kit.