Development Boards (Programmable Controllers) » A-Star Programmable Controllers » A-Star 328PB Micro »
A-Star 328PB Micro - 3.3V, 12MHz
The A-Star 328PB Micro is a tiny programmable module featuring the ATmega328PB AVR microcontroller, a backward-compatible replacement for the popular ATmega328P that features more general-purpose I/O and many additional peripherals. This module provides access to all 24 digital input/output pins (of which 9 can be used as PWM outputs and 8 as analog inputs), all on a board measuring only 1.3″ × 0.7″. It ships preloaded with an Arduino-compatible serial bootloader that enables programming through the Arduino IDE via a USB-to-serial adapter, and the ISP pins are accessible for programming with an AVR programmer. This version features a 12 MHz resonator and a 3.3 V regulator that can be powered from 3.8 V to 15 V supplies.
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A-Star 328PB Micro, top view. |
A-Star 328PB Micro, bottom view with dimensions. |
A-Star 328PB Micro with included header pins. |
A-Star 328PB Micro with included header pins soldered for breadboard use. |
A-Star 328PB Micro connected to the serial pins of a Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2.1. |
A-Star 328PB Micro with included header pins soldered for breadboard use. |
A-Star 328PB Micro connected to the serial pins of a Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2.1. |
A-Star 328PB Micro, bottom view. |
A-Star 328PB Micro pinout diagram. |
Schematic diagram for the A-Star 328PB Micro. |
From top to bottom: A-Star 328PB Micro, 32U4 Micro, 32U4 Mini SV, and 32U4 Prime SV. |