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P-Star 25K50 Micro
The P-Star 25K50 Micro is a tiny programmable module featuring Microchip’s PIC18F25K50 microcontroller. It packs a Micro-USB interface and 19 digital input/output pins onto a board measuring only 1″ × 0.6″ and ships preloaded with a USB bootloader, so no external programmer is required.
Description | Specs (13) | Pictures (10) | Resources (20) | FAQs (0) | On the blog (4) | Distributors (17) |
Documentation and other information
Pololu P-Star User’s Guide (Printable PDF)
User’s manual for the Pololu P-Star programmable modules.
File downloads
P-Star 25K50 Micro pinout diagram (161k pdf)
Printable pinout diagram of the P-Star 25K50 Micro.
P-Star 25K50 Micro schematic diagram (414k pdf)
Printable schematic of the P-Star 25K50 Micro.
P-Star 25K50 Micro dimension diagram (202k pdf)
Printable dimension diagram of the P-Star 25K50 Micro.
Pololu USB Bootloader Utility (p-load) for Windows (1MB msi)
Pololu USB Bootloader Utility (p-load) for macOS (87k pkg)
Pololu USB Bootloader Utility (p-load) for Linux (x86) (478k xz)
Pololu USB Bootloader Utility (p-load) for Linux (Raspberry Pi) (374k xz)
Drill guide for the P-Star 25K50 Micro (34k dxf)
This DXF drawing shows the locations of all of the board’s holes.
Recommended links
PIC18F25K50 documentation
Microchip’s product page for the PIC18F25K50, with links to its datasheet and other resources.
Pololu USB Bootloader Utility (p-load) source code
MPLAB X Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
MPLAB X is a free IDE from Microchip for programming their PIC microcontrollers. It runs on Windows, Max OS X, and Linux. MPLAB X comes with the a simulator and the MPASM assembler. It works well with the MPLAB XC Compilers and the PICkit 3.
MPLAB XC Compilers
The MPLAB XC Compilers from Microchip are a family of C compilers for PIC MCUs. The compilers are free to use, but paid versions are available that provide better optimizations.
P-Star Examples
A collection example code and libraries for the P-Star.
PICkit 3
Microchip’s PICkit 3 programmer is a low-cost hardware debugger and programmer for PIC microcontrollers.
SDCC – Small Device C Compiler
SDCC is a free and open source compiler that supports many types of microcontrollers, including PIC MCUs that use the PIC18 architecture. The PIC18s are called PIC16 in the SDCC documentation and command-line interface because the instructions are 16 bits wide. As of August 2014, the SDCC manual states that the support for these PIC microcontrollers “is not yet mature and still lacks many features”.
PICBASIC PRO Compiler 3.0
A BASIC compiler that targets PIC microcontrollers.
M-Stack is an open source USB Stack from Signal 11 Software for Microchip PIC microcontrollers.
The RPicSim library provides an interface to the MPLAB X PIC simulator that allows you to write simulator-based automated tests of PIC firmware. RPicSim is written in the Ruby language and runs on JRuby.
This bootloader can run on the P-Star 25K50. It acts as a USB mass storage device and allows the P-Star to be programmed by copying a HEX file onto it.